File handling:
A threaded version of dofile - to load files up like modules which can be killed.
A variable copy command
Code: Select all
var = { 1, 2, 3}
var2 = VarCopy(var)
var2[1] = 7 --and var[1] stays at 1.
The function "screen" to be overridden by a variable, as well as redefinition.
"screen" is defined as a table which dissalows it to be blit'd onto any other images. (This should be fixed)
Font:getTextSize(string) to work (if you havnt noticed that it doesnt return any data)
UDP Support - To allow for broadcast's Recieving and Transmission (This could allow for PSP detection for possibly P2P)
Please note these are suggestions and should be taken as such.
Will be adding more later.