PSP as gamepad fo PC

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Post by digihoe »

It might if the GTA exploit is used correctly...

Best regards!
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Post by Rich43 »

your going to have a looooong loooong wait for Firmware 2.6! It took a long time just to get wifi support for 2.00.
For the time being, dont upgrade your PSP when sony releases a update!
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Post by EdwardDam »

lol i upgraded from 2.5 to 2.6
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Post by memon »

That PPJoy is interesting piece of software. I took me like 5mins to port the example to PPJoy. Below is updated zip. Everything else is the same, except the example is now a PPJoy driver. ...

See the PPJoy docs to setup one virtual joystick. The default settings for the driver are virtual joystick1 and it will listen to port 20001 (UDP). If you wish to use other port start the program using:

socketTest \\.\PPJoyIOCTL1 < port# >

One the PSP side the port can be set in the config file. The driver is .exe and has to be running all the time.

If you wish to use the PSP as remote controller, I think it should be much easier to do that using LUAPlayer. That way you should be able to easily setup specific graphics etc.
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Post by EdwardDam »

wont work with 2.6? :(
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Post by DrNicket »


So when your project is ready (no rush), it should be able to at least act as a keyboard and mouse right? So Would it also be possible to have a psp version of a Winamp skin on the PSP screen that you could move a highlight across and control your music? (This is not to say that you'll stream the tunes to the PSP, just control the PC).

Does this sound right to you?

Btw, if you need any assistance with graphics let me know. I'll chip in anyway I can.
Dr. Nicket
"Alright, you primitive screwheads, listen up. See this? This is my BOOMSTICK!"
- Ash (Bruce Campbell)
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Post by Rich43 »

Yeah, it will be a mouse and it will be able to press keys on the keyboard. It will be perfect for controlling winamp!

Mouse will be controlled with the analog stick, It even worked in some games, I say some because its the way I coded the mouse.

Im planning to re-write it in .NET 2.00, its the latest technology from microsoft and will be great with windows vista :). If someone has made this already, whatever they have done, i'l do it better ;)

Hope memon dont mind me borrowing his code etc :P and thanks for everything :)

Development slowed down as im working on a project that allows you to control your PC from the internet. And even control your PC from the PSP's Web browser anywhere in the world!

HELP NEEDED!!!!! I Looked at PPJoy and it is closed source. It is rather tedious to install and I think that if there was a Open Source soloution to this Gamepad driver problem, it could be done with alot more ease. I try to make software easy to use for people that dont like to read big manuals (many people). An open source alternative would mean I could streamline everything into one easy installer :)
I need someone with knowlege of programming drivers to help me with this issue!!!
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Post by mavsman4457 »

i have been looking for this for a couple of days and i am about to pee in my pants. you are my hero if you can get this to work. good luck and keep us updated.
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Post by manaox2 »


Can someone explain the purpose of SocketTest and explain the syntax for the command? I'm lost here on how to get my psp to work as a wireless game controller. WAWI already works pretty well for controlling winamp. You might as well write it as a plugin for pspradio if you wish to control winamp.
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