the choice was not easy
thanks to everyone helping!
(i leave all the bg in the first message, so everyone having different preferences will use what he like more)
I will include a simple skin changer, so that you can create you own skin :)wooolF wrote:Dude... I like... worship your app, but that skin... PLEASE, I mean like... PLEASE... say that it will be possible to change the skin? That right? :D Thanks... Phew... lol :Dmiemt11 wrote:PMP Simple Converter Version 0.07 Screenshot Preview
Right now it only support CBRwooolF wrote:@jonny
can't get VBR to work with MP3 :( Anytime I use preset=medium (VBR encoding, good quality, 150-180 kbps bitrate range) I can't play the video. It just says that it can't read audio header or something... Same happends if I use switch abr or vbr=3
Dammit ;/ Guess we'll have to use CBR then
Isn't this...illegal?wooolF wrote:Here's my try with WinMEnc 0.5x
Pulp Fiction DVD, +4mbps video stream
+2min @ 482x272
-sws 9 (lanczos)
XViD 2 pass @ 1200kbps
MP3 Stereo 112kbps 44100Hz with +3 gain and volume normalize
Note: This was encoded directly from DVD (decrypted)
Link : PULP_FICTION.XviD.pmp
Here are my final encoding options for Jonny's pmp player.k0nan wrote:psp360 - I already asked Jonny for his encoding settings on that trailer (tho I also yet been able to replicate the quality fully). Here was his response from page 8 of this thread:
"spiderman2 is encoded using this simple avisynth script:
directshowsource("Spider-Man 2 - Trailer.avi")
the original avi is 608x336 and is not perfect (little blocking present in the pmp, was also present in the source)
the avi gets decoded via ffdshow, with no postprocessing (iirc)
all is encoded with vdub, latest xvid, default options (so quant=4) but no bframes"
He didn't mention # of passes or bitrate, but I'm going to assume default settings were 2-pass xvid and at least 900kbps.
wooolF - a great tutorial for Vdub/belite is on page 2 of this thread.
No... I own that DVD and I haven't put whole movie out for the public, just a little part of it (~2mins). Movie is from '94, made hell of a money, nobody will die, I'm pretty sure...Itaintrite wrote:Isn't this...illegal?wooolF wrote:Here's my try with WinMEnc 0.5x
Pulp Fiction DVD, +4mbps video stream
+2min @ 482x272
-sws 9 (lanczos)
XViD 2 pass @ 1200kbps
MP3 Stereo 112kbps 44100Hz with +3 gain and volume normalize
Note: This was encoded directly from DVD (decrypted)
Link : PULP_FICTION.XviD.pmp
it is somewhere in this thread :)- can you describe the .pmp file struture, i would like to work on it ..
yes, can't be used really right now for performance reasons- avc is not implemented in pmpmod or do you have disable it because the performance is bad ..?
http://jonny.leffe.dnsalias.com/pmp_mod/container.htm- what s the list of codec that is supported (vp6 , vp7,rv10,divx etc )?
miemt11 wrote:Pre-Final build of PMP Simple Converter 0.07 screenshot preview
You can see and compare the feature that had added since
Version 0.06
From version 0.07 skin is changable
If anyone interest to create their own skin for PMP Simple Converter
Please follow the Skin Image Spec:
Resolution = 890x550
Format = jpeg and png (for transparency)
transparency = Yellow
Releasing soon...
Code: Select all
BeSweet -core( -input input.vob -output output_PMP.mp3 ) -azid( -c heavy --maximise -L -3db ) -ssrc( --rate 44100 ) -lame( -b 160 ) -boost( /l=0.5 /b=3 )
Code: Select all
mencoder input.vob -sws 9 -vf harddup,scale=480:272 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vpass=1:vhq:turbo -nosound
mencoder input.vob -sws 9 -vf harddup,scale=480:272 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vpass=2:vhq:vbitrate=%vrate% -nosound -o output_PMP.avi
Code: Select all
mencoder input.vob -sws 9 -vf harddup,scale=480:272 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vqscale=3:vhq -nosound -o output_PMP.avi
i have dedicated to this subject a lot of time, using "Enc" (a tool from my site), you can actually predict the size of a quality based encode in ~5 minutes, with an error around 1-2% (basic avisynth-vdub-xvid knowledge is required)However, for higher quality (and much higher speed), one pass quantizer-based encoding is the way to go. The catch however is that filesizes are a bit unpredictable
That's right, 99.99% of all my conversions stutter badly when playing from the HDD.
http://hardware.gamespot.com/Story-ST-20872-2229-x-x-xcsuper wrote:About Read/Write datarate, does someone known the big differences between the following Memory Sticks :
- MSXM2-GS (that i've got)
- MSXM2-GN (seems a HighSpeed MS...)
couldn't be agreed any more =) quality is the most important thing ;) (otherwise you could just watch MP4). And yeh, miemt11, could be nice if you've added it =)psp360 wrote:k0nan/xxxstarmanxxx/ and wooolF: thanks for the feedback, I feel impowered now...I am a nut for high quilty...makes the eyecandy super good, so dont' really care if it takes several hours. I like the dumd look on my friends faces when i show them a movie clip and tell them its a rip and is running from my card....in fact I think the madagascar trailer is better than DVD quality...I have never seen a DVD movie look that good. I guess the secret is in that sharpening setting. So miemt11 if it is not to much trouble can you add that sharpening option as a default setting in your next release.