missing build.mak

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missing build.mak

Post by elad_thc »

I need some help I finaly managed to get the PSP tolchain installed as instructed in the online tutorial. I then proceeded to the next tutorial on making you first hello world prog but when I type make the following message is returned

Code: Select all

$ make
Makefile:12: cygdrive/C/cygwin/usr/local/pspdev/lib/build.mak: No such file or directory
make:*** No rule to make target 'cygdrive/C/cygwin/usr/local/pspdev/lib/build.mak'. Stop.
on closer inspection of the folder in windows I discovered that there is no build.mak file

if someone could please send me a copy or post the contents that would be great.[/img]
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Post by JJS »

build.mak is located in /usr/local/pspdev/psp/sdk/lib
or cygdrive/C/cygwin/usr/local/pspdev/psp/sdk/lib/build.mak in your case

psp-config --pspsdk-path will get you most of the way there if you're doing it programmatically. I would check how old that tutorial is as it seems there have been quite a few (helpful) changes to the PSP sdk made since the tutorial might have been written/updated.
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Post by nullp01nter »

I don't know which tutorial you tried, but maybe you also should read this one:
http://www.scriptscribbler.com/psp/tuto ... sson01.htm

And no, I don't think it would help if anyone sends you his build.mak, because in your installation something seems to be wrong. There will be more errors, I think.

Additionally, your "cygdrive/C/cygwin..." looks really odd. Normally in these tutorials the word "cygdrive" has to be substituted with the drive letter you installed to, for example "C:".

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Post by CaseyB »

When I initially ran the toolchain script it finished with errors, but being me I decided to try to build the "Hello World" any way and that's the error I got too! What fixed it for me was to run svn update before running the toolchain script again.
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Post by elad_thc »

thanks casey im trying that right now
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