Yeah, I know I am supposed to put requests in the wiki, but its so messy and full of weird requests, so Ill put it in here. (And I dont want to have to register...)
Anyway, Ill try to make this quick.
1. AD-HOC. It is now possible. There is an emulator that uses it. He has the source and everything. He claims he got the commands off of a modified Lumines. Anyway, I think this will be WAY better than IR, and a lot beter for a 2 person chat than WiFi.
2. Multiple graphics mode. I know you were the one who mentioned this, but I am really hoping you will try to implement this. I am using version .11 because >.11 is just WAY too slow. You would just have a command, such as System.graphicsModeLow() and System.graphicsModeHigh(). That way, people who want full speed can have it and people who want alpha blending can have it.
Anyway, I really hope you can add these.
And 1 quich question Shine, did you ever get SIRCS working? I tried, but kept on getting this weird compile error even though I included the lib in the makefile, all the includes it requires...
A few requests... for Shine
Moderators: Shine, Insert_witty_name