homebrew web browser?

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homebrew web browser?

Post by Guest »

Has anyone heard of a homebrew web browser?
Posts: 564
Joined: Sat Jan 17, 2004 10:22 am
Location: Sweden

Post by blackdroid »

nope not yet.
Kung VU
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Location: Annapolis, MD, USA

Post by mharris »

If you have your PS2 connected to a regular TV (i.e., not a computer monitor), the text will be almost illegible anyhow (unless it uses a really large font to render the text.)

This was part of the reason for the failure of WebTV, etc. Either you look at 1/4 of a page (and the images are all out of alignment), or you have unreadable text -- often both.
Posts: 10
Joined: Wed Jan 21, 2004 4:11 am


Post by AntiPasta »

well, Saturn's Netlink browser looked pretty good :)
Tell you something, even the CD-I (with it's 15mhz 68000) had an internet add-on.
Both systems had a hi-res mode (720x488 or something in that likelihood), I figure that's why it worked fine (but the CD-I had great trouble decoding the JPEGs :p)
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