Okay so I have 4 .c source files, 3 of which have headers, and I'm trying to compile them all. It has worked perfectly for a long time now (altogether this code has about 40+ hours of work into it), but all of the sudden, when i make the files not all of them are being recompiled (even though I'm changing them drastically). Is there a compiler flag or something I can change to have it always recompile everything? (I know dev cpp has an option like that)
This is the makefile i use if it helps:
I'm sorry to sound so noobish, (well, actually, I kinda am one...) but how do I include non-psp include files like math.h? I included the file but got an undefined reference... blah... so por favor... gracias. lo siento.
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Heretic wrote:I'm sorry to sound so noobish, (well, actually, I kinda am one...) but how do I include non-psp include files like math.h? I included the file but got an undefined reference... blah... so por favor... gracias. lo siento.
If you include math.h and uses funtionality from that, you also need to link with the math library, otherwise you get undefined references. modify your LIBS variable in your makefile as shown below.