PMP Mod v2.02 & PMP Mod AVC v1.02

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Post by dot_blank »

greets jonny

im currently having this
problem when playing back any video
content that is originally 16:9 and Xvid
compression (using pmp mod m4g3)

compression: Xvid
bitrate:1024 kbps CBR
resolution: 1024x720 (interlaced)
aspect ratio: 16:9
compression: OGG
bitrate: 224 kbps CBR

//output pmp file
compression: Xvid
bitrate:448 kbps CBR
resolution: 480x272 (full psp rez)
aspect ratio: 16:9
compression: AAC
bitrate: 128kbps CBR

...and now heres my bug ;)
the output video pmp file has a green bar
at top of screen that fills in transparency over
pmp file and keeps flashing ...this bar runs
completely across the top and is about 10pixels high
this bar is always there in entire length of video file

hope that helps and if there is a solution
that i can quickly remedy this problem then
big thanx in advance ;)

ps.great progress with this man ... gets better everyday feature is pretty cool

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Post by jonny »

hi dot_blank

do you have this effect also with the original 1.02?
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Post by Alcahest »

xvid at 1024kbps! It's very high. O_o
For me if I go above 900k with divx or 650k with xvid, i have sound stutter! (for a 29.9fps source)

edit: i'm using official build
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Post by dot_blank »

original is in higher quality
so a green bar does not exist

i tested if this happens with same video
avi file (Xvid) using a bitrate of
768kbps and same original 16:9
resolution then converting
to above same output pmp file

this pmp file did not contain bar
even though 768kbps original was
the same original 1024kbps just
down converted and tested ...and at lower rate
it success so maybe higher seems
not pleasant at this time as Alcahest
has noted with errors of his own
pertaining to higher bitrate video files
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Post by csuper »

dot_blank wrote: hope that helps and if there is a solution
that i can quickly remedy this problem then
big thanx in advance ;)
Man do you use MENCODER/AVIT2PMP frontend... I had the same issue last week... i donwload another MENCODER : a specific one for my P4 the problem is gone....
So it is not a PMP mod rendering problem but just an encoding problem...
Hope I could help...
Last edited by csuper on Sat Feb 18, 2006 4:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jonny »

thank you csuper
dot_blank, please follow csuper tips and report back the results :)
(and don't worry about the bitrate, Alcahest is gone a little OT with his answer :)
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Post by toker# »


//output pmp file
compression: Xvid
bitrate:448 kbps CBR
resolution: 480x272 (full psp rez)
aspect ratio: 16:9
compression: AAC
bitrate: 128kbps CBR
I didnt know AAC audio is support, is this a typo?
Can someone confirm AAC support for PMP Mod 1.02.

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Post by locke21 »


I have a problem with psp simple converter:

- I have a time difference ( 1 second) with audio/video when i encode .vob(DVD) in xvid with PSP SIMPLE CONVERTER 0.8 .

What 's the problem with my movies ??

Thank you ( excuse for my english ...)!!
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Post by csuper »

Just below, page 36, you've got an answer to that... :

"From jonny :
yep i don't flush buffers when the video finish :)
the missing part should be no more than 1 second (with a 24-25 fps clip).
i'll correct this in the next version, thank you!"

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Post by gutty47 »

I think he either has a video that when muxed together and the log file says "Video / audio difference: seconds" or audio desync. The message in the log can be ignored if the audio stays in sync with the video for the entire clip. If the audio is not in sync then you have a problem.

If the audio starts off in sync then as the video goes forward the audio desyncs then you'll need to stretch the audio to match the length of the video.
If the audio is consistently out of sync you'll need to find the delay and either add silence to the start of the track, or chop some audio off.

This would be easy enough to do on a seperate audio track with a proper audio program (Goldwave, etc) but I have no idea on how you would do this in one of the mencoder all-in-one programs. Maybe try looking up the mencoder manual and trying to find some settings...
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Post by wooolF »

gutty47 wrote:This would be easy enough to do on a seperate audio track with a proper audio program (Goldwave, etc) but I have no idea on how you would do this in one of the mencoder all-in-one programs. Maybe try looking up the mencoder manual and trying to find some settings...

Code: Select all

-audio-delay <0.0-...>
Sets the audio delay field in the header. Default is 0.0, negative values do not work. This does not delay the audio while encoding, but the player will see the default audio delay, sparing you the use of the -delay option.

-delay <sec>
audio delay in seconds &#40;positive or negative float value&#41;
NOTE&#58; When used with MEncoder, this is not guaran- teed to work correctly with -ovc copy.

Initial video delay time, in milliseconds &#40;default&#58; 0&#41;, use it if you want to delay video with respect to audio.
Hope that helps =)
Guide/tutorial for converting DVD (and other normal files) to PMP at best quality possible (works for me) avoiding the usual audio stuttering and ghosting problems.
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Post by Magus »

Has there been any updates recently as to the progress of PMP? I love this app btw, and I like checking up on the progress that's being made. So, just wondering. My apologies if this has been asked before.
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Post by Itaintrite »

Check the first page/post. If there's any new update, it'll be there.
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Post by logaen »

I would have some advices for you programmers (great work Jonny!!)

- It would be usefull, handy and quick to switch off/standby by the switch on/off key when viewing a video and as well when being in a program.

- I would like to be able to disable for playing a video from the point where it has been interrupted (resume)

- Using PSP to watch a music video it would be more comfortable that when the program finshes playing the video would automatically go to the following file and so on. (I've tried to use "Argandona Mod" version with the playlist managing, but it is not that comfortable to select files one by one especially if they get to be more than 20.
Once selected the files (with a lot of patience) and started playing a video if you want to turn off the PSP you have to skip one by one all the clips from the play sit and only after that you will be able to turn it off.
All this make it very complicated and not comfortable and even buthering.

For the rest PMP Mod player is one of the best and useful homebrew software ever realized.

Thank you all! ;)
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Post by jonny »

- It would be usefull, handy and quick to switch off/standby by the switch on/off key when viewing a video and as well when being in a program.
atm i answer to this.
i've still not tested, but seems problematic, due to the use of the me:

patience and faith :)
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Is there a tool to split a big .pmp (e.g. 2GB) to 5 smalls?

Post by happycoding »

I've downloaded a big .pmp file (e.g. 2GB) but my MS card is ony 512MB. I want to find a tool to split the big .pmp to 5 small .pmp files (400MB per file). Any suggestions?

Thank you!
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the reason for the warning

Post by karnare »

I met the error "pmp_decode_get: avcodec_decode_video failed", so what could be the reason?
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Post by jonny »

can happen if the stream is not mpeg4 asp or if it's damaged.

little reminder about reporting problems:
If you think you have a problem not already reported, please post in this thread.
Detailed infos are needed in order to replicate the problem.
This means software used (with exact version number) and infos about the video/audio and encoding parameters.
You can also use to upload clips that show the problem (of course make sure no copyright infringement when doing this).
Use this rule: if making the report takes less then 10 minutes, you are probably going to do a not complete/useful report.
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Post by Eingang »

Hi Jonny

finally found time to focus on your player/muxer again. Things cleared up for me now. In the end I can see two problems left.

First is - of course - performance. On 25fps PAL videos we should get something around 20-25% more speed for highest demanding full screen scenes (1:1,76). This is something no encoding method can equalize.

Second is - (sorry, just for a last time again) and I would say this is a really really important thing - the bad buggy audio quality. After more tests I can say there is absolutely no need to send you any samples, this problems can be recognized in any pmp file, at least with ac3 source but highly probably any audio source. You can boost up or down loudness in encoding process and equalize in pmp-mod again, but in the end audio stays as bad as it is, maybe a little bit better, but just a little bit.

So take a quiet scene, encode it, listen to mp3 first in your PSP to verify audio plays perfectly noise free and with good quality, mux them and verify bad audio in pmp file.

To be precise there are three attributes:

1) Sound is blunt, weak, no dynamic, flat
2) Sound is crackling sporadically (this is no stuttering, sounds like a
campfire crackling
3) Sound has a high frequency beep and noise/hiss in the background

The problem obviously is neither in audio source nor encoding process. I can imagine this could be something very hard to correct and maybe you are not competent enough to do so. But after all, a diamond gets his worth by the finishing touches, and what you have created is nothing else than a raw diamond. All other problems can be solved through encoding process and I would say encoding is cleared up to a certain satisfying degree now.

I look forward to a newer version with flawless audio and boosted performance and I cross my fingers for you to be successful. Thank you so far....

btw will now give a last final statement in the doom thread now.... edit: OMG WTH need to wait 5 days after registration to post or reply.... who created such a silly forum rule... ????
Last edited by Eingang on Fri Mar 03, 2006 2:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ditto »

You left out some crucial details like audio & video bitrate.. I've had little to no issues with pixelation nor cracking sound if I keep the total bitrate to ~1000kbps. Ive had better overall results using ffmpeg compared to xvid & been able to push the video bitrate up a few notches, but I still keep my pmp encodes to ~1000kbps for now.
Atleast till more optimization is in I see no reason to frustrate myself, nor Jonny et co with bug reports that are allready known. Or in the words of the in-famous Rumsfeld;

"There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know."

Now that being said, Im looking forward to seeing this player being pushed & optimized further. Thanx to all involved for the time spent!
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Post by Eingang »


Fine if you don´t care and fine if you´re well with 1000kbit, but there are other people not feeling like this and I guess I´m not the only one. (btw even if less bad sound quality stays bad - show me at least one sample with the same audio quality as the muxed mp3 - I´m waiting ! Send me a PM, I´m really curious) For me indeed Audio is more important than performance, believe it or not. If audio would be fine, at least widescreen movies would be perfect. If performance would be better, still no movie would be perfect - that´s the way I think. Yes, this was stated several times here, but it shouldn´t be forgotten and who cares about one more or less posting here ?

Concerning Jonny, I guess he is not made of cotton candy (are you ? :) and can stand some clear words. I know that he has no problem with my comments so you shouldn´t do either. I know he can do anything, but if noone talks nothing happens. It´s also kind of a displacement instead of sending Jonny some samples as arranged with him. Be sure this was my last comment about the audio issue until something changes. Just wanted to point this out a last time. And be sure I´m not frustrated at all, this is a misunderstanding from your side. Indeed I´m happy and enthusiastic, otherwise I wouldn´t spend so much time exploring all this and writing comments for hours. Written words can be misunderstood easily... what a pity. Thank you.
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Post by kaveman »

Eingang wrote: 1) Sound is blunt, weak, no dynamic, flat
2) Sound is crackling sporadically (this is no stuttering, sounds like a
campfire crackling
3) Sound has a high frequency beep and noise/hiss in the background
Just my thoughts on this...

1 - Agreed, but I think the PSP is partly to blame. Good headphones with decent impedence make the PSP sound so much better.
2 - seems to be linked to reading from memstick - i notice the odd tiny crackle, but it's like a mini-stutter.
3 - This is the biggy. I have come across this too, but am not sure how easily it can be solved. The high-pitched buzz in particular seems to occur when the screen is drawing a lot of information - how can I explain. When viewing things that have low detail (intro credits, outro) as there isn't much visual information, the buzzing seems to disappear. It appears as soon as the PSP starts drawing 'lots' on the screen. It seems as if it is some form of interference... kind of like RF interference as if a radio wasn't quite tuned correctly. Maybe it's the media engine...

Just my thoughts.
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Post by jonny »

i'll try to see if i can do something about this.
actually i'm able to spot crackling only in high demanding scenes (this can really have a wide range of effects, from really noticeable to random sporadic pops, i *think* case 2) still falls here)
for 1)/3), maybe the psp internal player use some kind of postprocessing that make the sound better (i think i've never used the internal mp3 player, i'll do a check to spot the difference in the evening)
i can try to verify if the mp3 output decoded with the psp gives the same data of a ffmpeg windows binary, just to be sure there is nothing broken in the psp port
i need to do some more serious tests before giving more objective impressions.
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Post by ditto »

Eingang wrote:@ditto

Fine if you don´t care and fine if you´re well with 1000kbit, but there are other people not feeling like this and I guess I´m not the only one. (btw even if less bad sound quality stays bad - show me at least one sample with the same audio quality as the muxed mp3 - I´m waiting ! Send me a PM, I´m really curious) For me indeed Audio is more important than performance, believe it or not. If audio would be fine, at least widescreen movies would be perfect. If performance would be better, still no movie would be perfect - that´s the way I think. Yes, this was stated several times here, but it shouldn´t be forgotten and who cares about one more or less posting here ?
I dont see me stating I dont care, I simply asked you to supply a few more details on the problematic encodes. What I said tho was what worked 100% for me _atm_ .. and that in any WIP there are known issues which the solution might not be a known. Hence the importance to supply as much details as one can on a bug report, and that includes bitrate imo. Now please dont put any more into this reply than what it is, a clearification..
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Post by Eingang »


All three problems appear with any (audio) bitrate any encoder any filters any volume no matter BeSweet or FFMpeg I tried many things without success. I do not know how to make it more precise, I can´t see any connections and relations between encoding/settings and the problem. It´s always the same: mp3s are good, pmp audio is not. That´s it. (I must admit I didn´t use lower video bitrates intensively, will focus that, maybe it´s really better then .. ?? But anyway that doesn´t mean using lower bitrates is a solution)

If someone is not hearing this that doesn´t mean it´s not there. It depends on your volume, speaker type, your ears, the scenes and your mind.

Also number three is the core and indeed like caveman says the hiss/buzz/noise is more or less loud in these and that scenes. No idea, I´m helpless.

Sorry if I misunderstood you.
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Post by toker# »

2) Sound is crackling sporadically (this is no stuttering, sounds like a
campfire crackling

I have been experiencing the same problem too with PMP 1.02. The mp3 file plays fine on PC and PSP as a mp3, when muxed into PMP format this occurs.
I can only assume that the PMP player has some issues with mp3 playback with video.

I have tried with different bitrate 64, 96, 128, 192 etc.. 128kbps MP3 is what i normally use. When i have just a black screen as the video the problem occurs less but its still happens.

I guess we will have to wait for the next release to fix this.
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Post by argandona »

The audio crackling is due to the obsession with extremely high bitrates. Try the same mp3 with the video encoded @768kbps, the audio issue will dissapear. Jonny has already stated that the video and audio will never lose sync, but the audio will stutter when PMP fails to handle the video in real time.

You should all go to and discuss about optimum encoding settings, instead of asking why your 3000kbps video plays like crap.

And for those of you that still want to find the holy grail, understand that the PSP has a limited processing power, if you want higher quality, use a DVD.
I don't see people asking why 1080p video stutters on a pentium III, everyone understands that there is not enough power to handle it.
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Post by Sorted »

And for those of you that still want to find the holy grail, understand that the PSP has a limited processing power
Dude i havent been here for some time.

Too Busy watching great videos on my PSP!! Video9 does the job just great
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Post by Eingang »


PMP plays very fine on extremely high bitrates. I can use 4000kbit smoothly. This is just a matter of performance.

Also I want to state here that Tera boost algorithm kills the hf-background noise completely, I´m very happy about that.
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Post by gmk »

Eingang wrote:@argandona

PMP plays very fine on extremely high bitrates. I can use 4000kbit smoothly. This is just a matter of performance.

Also I want to state here that Tera boost algorithm kills the hf-background noise completely, I´m very happy about that.
Hi Eingang,

who or what is this "Tera boost algorithm" ???
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