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Post by cloudxxx »

Where can I find documents of how to use PS2Link?

Can I add a HDD to my SCHP390001 machine? Does it has any specific requirement for HDD?

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Post by Drakonite »

Have you tried checking the readme? ...

Basic run down: modify the IPCONFIG.DAT file to contain the right IP information, then put it, the ps2link elf, along with any other applicable files, onto a cd or where ever you are booting it from, and then launch ps2link on the ps2.
You then use one of the PC clients, such as ps2client, to connect and communicate with ps2link. Readmes should explain this part...
But I'll be nice and give a quick example for ps2client, since it's what I use...

Code: Select all

ps2client execee host:myproject.elf
will run myproject.elf from the dir you ran ps2client from.
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Post by todi1856 »

[PS2Link 1.46]

Well i can't get it started :( :

Code: Select all

Welcome to ps2link v1.46
Booting form mc dir (mc0:/BWLINUX/)
Using cached config
Net config:
This means it didnt read IPCONFIG.DAT ?! , cause it looks like this

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# EXTRACNF = mc0:extra.cnf;
Why didnt he read it?????

It was in the same dir and name was with uppercase,m
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Post by Drakonite »

How did you boot ps2link?
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Post by todi1856 »

I've burned a CD and putted in PS2 like always :)
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Post by Drakonite »

Arg... looks like something is making it think it's being from reload1 .. the detection for that is a huge hack. I'll burn a new cd and see what happens to me, and if I can recreate it I'll poke around and see what people have to say about changing reload1 detection..
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Post by todi1856 »

I see , can it be overriden somehow??

I can't believe how blind i can be =[
so this line

Code: Select all


tells me ps2link is being launched from Linux...
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Post by BraveDog »

This is what you helped me with. I believe todi1856 is using an older version of uLaunchELF. This happened to me until I started using 3.46 or newer. So just use a newer version of uLaunchELF.
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Post by Drakonite »

Well, he said he was running it from a CD... so if he isn't telling me whats going on I can't really help him now can I? ;)
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Post by todi1856 »

I don't even know what uLaunchELF is:/ So i am not using older or newer version of uLaunchELF.

PS2 loads ps2link from cd , and then i through usb cable downloading the elf file to ps2, but with PS2Link 1.46 it doesnt work cause it doesnt want to read IPCONFIG.DAT from CD , instead PS2link is looking for it in mc0:/BWLINUX/, right?! but this directory doesnt exists ..
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Post by Drakonite »

The code to detect loading from reload1 is pretty horrible, and something is screwing with things and making it think it's booting from reload1. All I can think of is that your mod chip is screwy, because I can't recreate the problem.

You may have to build your own version of ps2link with the default IP settings changed...

There isn't much I can do to help since I don't know what the problem is... and unless someone buys me a linux kit I can't do anything about changing the reload1 detection code.
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Post by todi1856 »

"...You may have to build your own version of ps2link with the default IP settings changed..."

The source is available?
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Post by weltall »

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Post by todi1856 »

Thank you very much :)
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Post by Drakonite »

It's in SVN where it has been ever since we switched from CVS, where it had been for who knows how long ;)
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