JGE++ (Jas Game Engine++) is a hardware accelerated 2D game engine for PSP (using GU) and Windows. It's inspired by the popular game engine HGE on MS Windows. In fact the Windows' counterpart is basically a wrapper of HGE.
For more information about HGE, please visit its web site at:
With JGE++, you can build a project as a Windows executable or a PSP EBOOT image with the same source code without any modification. This means the game development process, including coding, debugging and testing, can be done mainly in Windows. However, since JGE++ is still under development and not heavily tested, it is recommended that the PSP EBOOT image should be built and put onto a PSP for testing from time to time just to make sure everything is working properly.
Of course you may also put in platform specific codes with #if/#else/#endif.
SkyAnimator is introduced with JGE++ v0.2b. It is a visual tool written by
HuangYZ for creating sprite animations. HuangYZ has ported the runtime library to JGE++ and this gives JGE++ a very powerful animation system to play with.
Contents of the JGE++ package
- JGE++ v0.2b (source + lib)
- SkyAnimator lib
- JGE++ demo (source + assets)
- SkyAnimator demo (source + assets)
- StarBugz (source + assets)
- Mario Demo (source + assets)
Directory Structure
Code: Select all
| |___HGE (Windows backend)
| |___include (JGE++ header files)
| |___lib
| | |___psp (lib files for PSP)
| | | |
| | | |___libjgesky.a (SkyAnimator lib)
| | | |___libjge.a (JGE++ lib)
| | |
| | |___win (lib files for Windows)
| | |
| | |___JgeSky60.lib (SkyAnimator lib for VC6.0)
| | |___JgeSky71.lib (SkyAnimator lib for VC2003)
| | |___jge.lib (JGE++ lib Release version)
| | |___jge_debug.lib (JGE++ lib debug version)
| |
| |___src (JGE++ source files)
| |___bin
| |___Debug
| |___JGEFramework
| |___Release
| |___src
| |___GameApp.cpp
| |___GameApp.h
|___Mario (same structure as Demo)
|___SkyDemo (same structure as Demo)
|___StarBugz (same structure as Demo)
To build the JGE++ lib for Windows
Open "JGE.dsw" in JGE directory with Visual Studio 6.0. With the BATCH BUILD option, select "REBUILD ALL".
To build the JGE++ lib for PSP
Change to JGE directory, then
make clean
make install
or just run the batch file "mk.bat"
To build a project for Windows
Open "xxx.dsw" in the project directory with Visual Studio 6.0 and build for either "Release" or "Debug".
To build a project for PSP
Change to the project directory, then
make clean
or just run the batch file "mk.bat"
To run on Windows
You need DirectX 8.0+ installed.
Key mapping:
Code: Select all
------------------ -------------
TRIANGLE 8 on NumPad (with NUMLOCK)
SQUARE 4 on NumPad (with NUMLOCK)
CIRCLE 6 on NumPad (with NUMLOCK)
CROSS 2 on NumPad (with NUMLOCK)
To run on PSP
With firmware 1.50 PSP, use KXploit Tool to transfer the proper EBOOT.PBP onto your memory stick. Then you need to copy the entire "Res" folder in "bin" into the appropriate folder on your PSP too!
SkyAnimator(libjgesky/JgeSky60.lib/JgeSky71.lib) is free software. You can use it anyway you like at your own risk. Copyright (C) 2006 HuangYZ.
JGE++/JGE++ Demo/SkyAnimator Demo/StarBugz/Mario Demo are released under GPL and below is the license agreement:
"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA"
Special thanks to
- PSPSDK team
- devkitPSP team
- friends at pspchina.net
- Jasmine (James' lovely wife ^^)
Programmer - James Hui (a.k.a. Dr.Watson)
SkyAnimator and SkyAnimator Demo:
Programmer - HuangYZ
JGE++ Demo:
Programmer - James Hui
Artist - Zhen (TMD Games)
Programmer - James Hui
Artist - Fung Lap Tong
Mario Demo:
Programmer - James Hui
Artist - Zhen (TMD Games)

SkyAnimator Demo:

JGE++ Demo:


Mario Demo:

JGE++ v0.2b
SkyAnimator v1.6b R2 (English version)
SkyAnimator v1.6b R2 (Chinese version)
Prebuilt binaries:
JGE++ Demo for PSP firmware 1.50
JGE++ Demo for Windows
SkyAnimator Demo for PSP firmware 1.50
SkyAnimator Demo for Windows
Mario Demo for PSP firmware 1.50
Mario Demo for Windows
StarBugz Prototype for PSP firmware 1.50
StarBugz Prototype for Windows
Known issues
- Wav files must be 8 bit mono.
- There is an extra "." in front of hge.lib in VC6 project settings of Demo's Debug build for Windows. Please remove it in order to build.