Installing SDL...

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Installing SDL...

Post by psiko_scweek »

ive looked all over and I just cant find a good tutorial on how to install SDL. I know in order to get all the components of SDL installed you have to install it in the right order with the right set up and everything... If there is a tutorial I may have missed please direct me there, or if youd rather just inform me that would be great too!

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Re: Installing SDL...

Post by Ghozt »

psiko_scweek wrote:Alright,
ive looked all over and I just cant find a good tutorial on how to install SDL. I know in order to get all the components of SDL installed you have to install it in the right order with the right set up and everything... If there is a tutorial I may have missed please direct me there, or if youd rather just inform me that would be great too!

1. Start cygwin
2. type "svn co svn://" (without the "". Then you should change SDL to the stuff you want to download aswell, eg. sdl_mixer, sdl_image etc.)
3. Browse to your newly downloaded dir (eg. SDL)
4. Install it like every other library (check the readme.psp file if it needs special treatment)
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Post by Wally »

it is advised to read the README.PSP

There are special instructions required
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special instructions..

Post by psiko_scweek »

yeah i think i read those and didnt understand them :-(

I need a complete idiots guide to how to install SDL.
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Post by Wally »

Exerpt from README.PSP

Before you do this i suggest you check to see if automake and autoconf are the latest
To build for the PSP, make sure psp-config is in the path and run: - ignore this bit if you have set up the SDK

LDFLAGS="-L$(psp-config --pspsdk-path)/lib -lc -lpspuser" \
./configure --host psp --prefix=$(psp-config --psp-prefix)
make install

TYPE ./ and press enter - let it run through

Type LDFLAGS="-L$(psp-config --pspsdk-path)/lib -lc -lpspuser" \ then press enter

Type ./configure --host psp --prefix=$(psp-config --psp-prefix) then press enter and let the script run

Type make if no errors come up (if errors come up, post them here)

then type make install

Thats it!
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Post by psiko_scweek »

it keeps saying

Bash: --host: command not found....

am i doing something wrong?
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Post by dot_blank »

paste one line at a time and it will work
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Post by lucasclaus »

hi everybody, this is my first post
i followed all the instructions but after make install it gives me the errors:
make install-data-hook
make[3]: ldconfig: command not found
make[3]: [install-data-hook] Error 127 <ignored>

it's important?
i've to install ldconfig before SDL?
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Post by J.F. »

lucasclaus wrote:hi everybody, this is my first post
i followed all the instructions but after make install it gives me the errors:
make install-data-hook
make[3]: ldconfig: command not found
make[3]: [install-data-hook] Error 127 <ignored>

it's important?
i've to install ldconfig before SDL?
This thread is old, OLD, OLD. Why are you even using it? You should be following the newer threads on setting up the sdk and libraries. In fact, there's a script that fetches, compiles, and installs all the major libraries for you in the repo. It's in the psplibraries directory. You can find a tutorial on using it to install the major libs (including SDL) here: ... ptoolchain

Installing the libs starts at step 4.
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Post by Heimdall »

hi lucasclaus, for a total beginner, either read all the docs or use my win32 builds of sdk and libs to make it easier. With my builds is just download the installers for windows, run the setup then run the setup of sdl and use either eclipse or visual studio to code your stuff. Take a look at this thread:
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Post by lucasclaus »

Heimdall wrote:hi lucasclaus, for a total beginner, either read all the docs or use my win32 builds of sdk and libs to make it easier. With my builds is just download the installers for windows, run the setup then run the setup of sdl and use either eclipse or visual studio to code your stuff. Take a look at this thread:
thanks, very useful links!
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