Need function that can print out the content of a dir

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Need function that can print out the content of a dir

Post by Ghozt »

Hi everybody!

I need a function that can print out the content of a dir (eg. ms0:/PSP/GAME/MYPROGRAM/STUFF/"). Then I want the user to be able to select one of the files/dirs in the folder (like in a menu) and then my app will copy a file from the selected dir to another dir (I already have made the copy file function).

eg. There is two folders in the "STUFF" folder called "EXTRA1" and "EXTRA2". The functions should then print out the content of the "STUFF" folder (in other words, it should print out EXTRA1 and EXTRA2) to the screen, and then the user should select one, let's say "EXTRA2". Then my copy function called copy_file is going to copy a file from the extra2 folder to another dir. eg. copy_file("ms0:/PSP/GAME/PROGRAM/STUFF/"selectedDir, "[insert a copy-to dir here]");
The selectedDir should be the Dir selected.

I hope you all understand what I mean. Thanks in advance!
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Post by dot_blank »

yes this is all very easy online for dir handling
dirent.h is a good start and please do finish any
standard C book :P most touch upon file io
pretty much extensively could also look into
the source of RIN gameboy emu that has dir handling
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Post by Ghozt »

I just wonderd if anyone had any good and easy to use examples laying around.
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Post by Art »

There is a tool in samples to DUMP all files in a directory,
why not use it to print the filenames to screen instead?
Sorry , I don't have exactly what you want, but that's where I'd start.
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Post by AnonymousTipster »

Ok, this is a code snippet from my .zip extractor. It reads PSP/GAME and reads every entry into a string:

Code: Select all

struct GameEntry
	char *name;
	//char ratio[16];

int gameEntriesTotal = 0;
int gameDirSelected = 0;

#define MAX_ENTRIES 1000

struct GameEntry gameEntry[MAX_ENTRIES];

void recacheGameDir(){
struct SceIoDirent dir;
	memset(&dir, 0, sizeof(SceIoDirent)); 
	//printf("Getting Directory...");
	static int dfd;
	dfd = sceIoDopen("ms0:/PSP/GAME/");
	if(dfd > 0){
	//printf("Found Directory...\n");
	int f=0;for&#40;f=0;f<MAX_ENTRIES;f++&#41;&#123;if&#40;gameEntry&#91;f&#93;.name&#41;&#123;free&#40;gameEntry&#91;f&#93;.name&#41;;&#125;gameEntry&#91;f&#93;.name = NULL;&#125;
	int count = 0;count = 0;
	while&#40;sceIoDread&#40;dfd, &dir&#41; > 0&#41;&#123;
	static int success;
	//success = sceIoDread&#40;dfd, dir&#41;;
	static char* name;
	name = &#40;char*&#41;memalign&#40;16,300&#41;;
	static int s=0;
	//printf&#40;"Found&#58; %s\n",name&#41;;
	gameEntry&#91;count&#93;.name = name;
		count++;if&#40;count>MAX_ENTRIES-1&#41;&#123;count = MAX_ENTRIES-1;&#125;
	//printf&#40;"COUNT&#58; %i",count&#41;;
	gameEntriesTotal = count;if&#40;gameEntriesTotal < 0&#41;&#123;gameEntriesTotal = 0;&#125;
This should leave you with a list of strings, each containing a folder or file name.
Hope this helps somewhat.
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Post by RCON »

AnonymousTipster wrote:Hope this helps somewhat.
That code ROCKS! Works perfectly!
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