Am I mad? - linux on PSP...

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white rabbit
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Post by white rabbit »


Right, I've found out this is pretty hard and I don't have enough motivation to do it now I've managed to get a new laptop out of work.

Also, there's very little help out there - the source forge project is pretty quite (dead?) and there's nothing of any substance out there to help out with direction pointing, etc.

So, as odd as it is for me (and my over-large ego), I have admitted defeat - anybody that can get this running gets my eternal worship ... for what it's worth :p
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Post by Josh1billion »

I didn't read all of the replies, so if I'm repeating something, sorry...

Bochs, an x86 emulator, was ported to the PSP a long time ago. You can use this to run Windows, Linux, FreeDOS, and other operating systems. I only tried FreeDOS (it was the only thing small enough to fit on my 32mb memory stick), and it worked, but of course it came to a point where it asked me to type something and that was all since the PSP had no keyboard. there's a link

I think (but I'm not sure) that it's open-source, so maybe you can work with that. Just adding a keyboard feature could make things work, I'd think.. it'd be cool if someone would incorporate that one homebrew method of text input (used by applications such as the AFKIM instant messenger) into it. Perhaps compiling a PSP-intended distribution of Linux wouldn't be such a bad idea..

The possibilities are nearly endless. But one major problem is speed. Windows 95 runs remarkably slow, according to what I've read.

Good luck with whatever project you work on.
Josh1billion - PHP, C++, PSP programmer.
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Post by groepaz »

Perhaps compiling a PSP-intended distribution of Linux wouldn't be such a bad idea..
uh. it would be horrible. slow. unuseable.
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Post by Arwin »

Josh1billion wrote:Bochs, an x86 emulator, was ported to the PSP a long time ago. You can use this to run Windows, Linux, FreeDOS, and other operating systems. I only tried FreeDOS (it was the only thing small enough to fit on my 32mb memory stick), and it worked, but of course it came to a point where it asked me to type something and that was all since the PSP had no keyboard.
Yeah, terribly slow. It was actually ported with keyboard support, using my p_sprint library. A bit hard to use, but all the keys are there, including all the ctrl,alt,shift combos you can think of.
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Post by Josh1billion »

Arwin wrote:
Josh1billion wrote:Bochs, an x86 emulator, was ported to the PSP a long time ago. You can use this to run Windows, Linux, FreeDOS, and other operating systems. I only tried FreeDOS (it was the only thing small enough to fit on my 32mb memory stick), and it worked, but of course it came to a point where it asked me to type something and that was all since the PSP had no keyboard.
Yeah, terribly slow. It was actually ported with keyboard support, using my p_sprint library. A bit hard to use, but all the keys are there, including all the ctrl,alt,shift combos you can think of.
Ah, I didn't know it had p_sprint support.
Josh1billion - PHP, C++, PSP programmer.
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Post by DiabloTerrorGF »

Live! Why can't someone just run the kernel in a half ass'd emulator? Not like Bochs, but have it run mostly on it's own but program a psuedo memory management system that runs on the outside of it?
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Post by andrewwan1980 »

Arwin wrote:
Josh1billion wrote:Bochs, an x86 emulator, was ported to the PSP a long time ago.
Yeah, terribly slow. It was actually ported with keyboard support, using my p_sprint library. A bit hard to use, but all the keys are there, including all the ctrl,alt,shift combos you can think of.
Arwin, have you actually tried Bochs PSP? Am still trying to get it running but it seems one needs 1.0 FW... and it doesn't seem to run on 1.5 (not even after XPloit conversion). There was no mention anywhere on BochsPSP programmer's site or readme files that he used sprint. Only DOSBoxPSP...

But yes, please reconfirm that BochsPSP does indeed uses sprint. Cause then that would be brilliant!
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