sceAudiocodec anyone ?

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Post by Gizmo »

Bad news, same result on 1.5 as in the previous version (copied prx and at3 to MS root, the 2 game directories to PSP/GAME).

Black screen, no reaction to any button, have to hold power button to shut it off.
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Post by AnonymousTipster »

Any news on this?
I assume hitchhikr is very busy, what with the kernel hack, but hardware decoding of mp3 streams would be very useful to a lot of developers (myself included), I don't think there is any way to do it currently, and software mp3 decoding takes quite a chunk of processor cycles.
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Post by moonlight »

I haven't taken a look to the mp3 thing again, and i guess that even if hitchhikr was not busy, he could have more problems in finding this in 2.60.

I hope to get some time some day in the future :)
Posts: 47
Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2004 4:23 am

Post by florinsasu »

9D3F790C is sceAudiocodecCheckNeedMem

Code: Select all

typedef tag_WFEXT_AT3PLUS {
	u16	wFormatTag;		//+00	0xFFFE
	u16	nChannels;		//+02	eg. 2
	u32	nSamplesPerSec;		//+04	eg. 44100
	u32	nAvgBytesPerSec;	//+08	eg. 16020 (~125 kbps)
	u16	nBlockAlign		//+0C	eg. 0x02E8
	u16	wBitsPerSample		//+0E	eg. 0
	u16	cbSize;			//+10	0x0022
	u16	wValidBitsPerSample;	//+12	0x0800
	u32	dwChannelMask;		//+14	0x0003 (left | right)
	GUID	SubFormat;		//+18	BF AA 23 E9 58 CB 71 44 A1 19 FF FA 01 E4 CE 62
	u16	field_28;		//+28	eg. 0x0001
	u8	field_2A[2];		//+2A	eg. 28 5C
	u8	field_2C[8];		//+2C	eg. 0...
} WFEXT_AT3PLUS;			//=34

typedef tag_WFEXT_AT3 {
	u16	wFormatTag;		//+00	0x0270
	u16	nChannels;		//+02	eg. 2
	u32	nSamplesPerSec;		//+04	eg. 44100 
	u32	nAvgBytesPerSec;	//+08	eg. 16537 (~129 kbps)
	u16	nBlockAlign		//+0C	eg. 0x0180
	u16	wBitsPerSample		//+0E	eg. 0
	u16	cbSize;			//+10	0x000E
	u16	_1;			//+12	eg. 0x0001
	u32	_field_14;		//+14	eg. 0x00001000
	u16	chmask;			//+18	eg. 0x0000
	u16	chmask_EQ;		//+1A	eg. 0x0000
	u16	_field_1C_1;		//+1C	eg. 0x0001
	u16	field_1E;		//+1E	eg. 0x0000
} WFEXT_AT3;				//=20
as codes:
0x1000 is atrac3plus
0x1001 is atrac3
0x1002 is mp3
0x1003 is aac
0x1004 might be wma in newer ME code (haven't checked)
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