PSPFREE Player beta, la freebox sur PSP (french version)

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PSPFREE Player beta, la freebox sur PSP (french version)

Post by blondin »

Salut, c'est blondin et si comme moi vous aimeriez contrôler votre Freebox avec votre PlayStation Portable (changer de chaîne sans d'interminables manipulations...),
vous serez dans ce cas ravis d'utiliser PSPFree Player.

Je me suis dis que çà pouvait peut-être vous intéresser ?
mais bon je peux le guarder pour moi sinon !

Tout le monde ne dispose pas d'une freebox, c'est pourquoi vous pourrez faire quasiment les mêmes choses qu'avec PMPVLC V.0.0.9

* Différents modes: TV, LIVE, PC.
* Un menu de configuration vous permettra de modifier directement les différentes options du programme.
* Possibilité de créer soit même ses skins :)
* Possibilité d'adapter la playlist selon vos besoins.

PSPFree Player à été développé à partir du code source de PMPVLC v.0.0.9 pour transcoder les chaînes TV de notre freebox à partir du PC,
vous pourrez également lire vos vidéos à partir de votre PC.

Voici quelques copies d'ecran :


1) Installez VLC 0.8.5 pour PSPFree Player

Telechargement ici:

Installation de VLC obligatoire pour l'utilisation du PSPFREE Player,
attention cette version de VLC est différente du package d'origine,
vous devez obligatoirement l'installer même si une version de VLC est déjà installée sur votre PC.
N.B: Ce package contient un skin PSP ( à activer vous même car il n'est pas activé par défaut).
Après installation, un icône "VLC PSPFREE" situé sur vorte bureau vous permettra de lancer VLC.

2) Installez PSPFree Player sur votre PSP (version 1.50)

Telechargement ici:

Copiez le répertoire PSP contenu dans le fichier zip à la racine de votre memorystick, vous devriez avoir la structure suivante :

|- PSP
+-- GAME
| +---- %__SCE__PSPFREE
| |
| +---- __SCE__PSPFREE
| | +---- PSPFREE.AVI

Si vous avez des problèmes, consultez le Readme

j'attends vos tests et vos commentaires, merci.

Bon j'vais me coucher maintenant ;)
Ciao et bons tests.....

Code source et binaires sur
Last edited by blondin on Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Wally »

I cant read french but does this play avis direct from the PSP??

I tried the program but it is stuck
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Post by Djakku »

I'm french and basically it's an modified version of PMPVLC 0.0.9 with skin support and an on screen configurator.
freebox is a ISP in france and you can use it a a phone, modem, and TV tuner.
this program lets you watch freeboxTV from you psp I guess. (don't have a freebox i'm in belgium.)

I know I don't really answer to you question Wally but, at least if pmpvlc does read avi, this one should too.
I'll translate the first post and post it here later.

Blondin, ton programme a l'air tres cool, je vais le tester au plus vite, meme si je n'ai pas de freebox :)
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Post by blondin »


thank you for the first comments.
Yes it makes the same things that PMPVLC put aside reading of music (video only but possibility of adding it thereafter)
Forgiveness for the intro video which is not superb quality, promised I change this as soon as I have a little time !
If you do not look at the TV, you are not obliged to install vlc for pspfree if you have already the version of jockyw installed (vlc-0.8.5-psp-x264-win32.exe).
Press SELECT to change modes TV, LIVE, PC (visible at top on the right), connect to WIFI with START, have patience until a message posts you your IP (the pspfree logo blink when u're connected).
In PC mode, to configure the directories as a preliminary has to list press the square button (mode INI) then on page 3, modify the directories.
If you want a English translation of the proggy made me signs.

Djakku, j'espère que tu ne seras pas déçu et j'attends avec impatience tes commentaires.
Si t ne regardes pas la tv, tu n'es pas obligé d'installer vlc pour pspfree si tu as deja la version de jockyw (vlc-0.8.5-psp-x264-win32.exe).
Je vais partir en week-end donc on se reverra lundi...

Au fait, Pardon pour la vidéo d'intro qui n'est pas de superbe qualité, promis je change ca des que j'ai un peu de temps !
Last edited by blondin on Thu Aug 31, 2006 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Source code?

Post by mbf »

More details regarding "Free" and the FreeBOX: The French ISP "Free" (as in speech, not beer ;)) provides customers in selected areas with a device called "FreeBOX". This device includes a DSL modem and a hardware MPEG2 decoder with audio and video output (you just plug it in your TV or whatever). They offer various options like watch TV on your TV through the FreeBOX (the box directly reads the streams from Internet), stream media from your PC to the FreeBOX using VLC or watch TV (via the FreeBOX) on your PC using the VLC player.

That's what blondin did here, but instead everything goes to your PSP, with apparently the ability to easily change channels from the PSP. Useful only for "Free" customers, unless there's another ISP out there providing the same kind of service. Anyone?

Nice one blondin, but, uh... where's the source code? ;)
Last edited by mbf on Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by blondin »

thank you mbf for your message,

The freebox sends a flow RTSP which is collected and ranscoded by VLC for finally being sent to the PSP.
If you have also an ISP which makes it possible to make the multipost, give us your infos.
(The multipost service functions independently of the service of television. It is thus possible to look at the same time television on your computer and your television set)

I post the source code as soon as I open the Web site thank you (leave me a little time);)
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Post by Nippy »

great job !!!!!

I will try it tonight.
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Post by digihoe »

Very nice! It would be nice to see an English version though, since most people know English.

I have only tried LiveTV (VLC transcoding) and it works nicely...

Very nice interface, I hope jockyw2001 will start using this interface :-)

In future release maybe you could add autoconnection to WiFi profile.

I like that all settings can be changed within your software, no need to go to PC and use notepad (or notepad on PSP), very good!

Thank you for sharing you software!

Best regards!
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