im working on a text input just like the psp input (or better xD)
i wrote the first beta this night...
===============> <============
( ~55kilos with images )
anyways the TODO is short for now :) :
1 SKINSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!
2 SOUNDDDDD !!!!!!!
3 code tidying (i was writing it about 4 in the morning and couldnt think too clearly having been working for 5 hours)
sorry if my english sux but i think it dosent xDDD
and if there already was a input thend dont waste time informing me about it cause i would do it anyway just to learn lua (i normally program in other languages)
oh and it is easy to convert it to work as a function. just add function input() at beggining and make it return --==[ ]==--
about everything for now. oh one more thing :) im also writing a jabber client and a iRchat (no not irc iR !!) - will be difficult to make it test if it has the whole message and send it again or something so i wlill give it a rest if there is no enthusiasm from anyone xDDDDDD
blaaaaaaaaaaaah xDDD
oh yea ! the screens !!! forgot :P will add l8r xD bye
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- Joined: Mon Oct 03, 2005 4:25 am
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Here is a screenshot.
This is a part of an SDK I am working on to create a set of commands and functions to make the life of a coder easier.
It impliments A PKZip Storage extracter. (More info later.)
It also has a GUI_LIB which can control all of the blitting functions similar to C++ API Development.
Let me know of any other additions you would like me to add into the SDK.
If you would like to help me with this project please send me a PM.