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Post by Dremth »

How would I go about declaring strings in the PSPSDK? I've tried:
string blah;
but I get:
main.c:27: error: syntax error before 'blah'
main.c:27: warning: type defaults to 'int' in declaration of 'blah'
in the compiler. Is there an include file I need to recognize or is there a special type I need to use?

One more. How would I use strings in a printf()?

With integers it's like:
printf("%i", blahint);

so would it be:
printf("%s", blahstring);

Much appreciated!
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Post by ReKleSS »

You might want to brush up on your basic C skills...
You're after a character array.

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char mystring[num];
Your formatting for the printf is correct. Note that your character array can also go in place of the formatting string.
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Post by adrahil »

and don't forget to add a \n character whenever you want to print something out onto the screen, since the psp does some sort of output buffering on debug screen before showing it up... (made me go totally crazy at some point :P)
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Re: Strings??

Post by hlide »

Dremth wrote:How would I go about declaring strings in the PSPSDK? I've tried:
string blah;
but I get:
main.c:27: error: syntax error before 'blah'
main.c:27: warning: type defaults to 'int' in declaration of 'blah'
in the compiler. Is there an include file I need to recognize or is there a special type I need to use?

One more. How would I use strings in a printf()?

With integers it's like:
printf("%i", blahint);

so would it be:
printf("%s", blahstring);

Much appreciated!
in C, "string" as a type doesn't exist :

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char blah[] = "....";

printf("%s\n", blah);
in C++ :

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#include <string>
#include <iostream>

std&#58;&#58;string blah;

std&#58;&#58;cout << blah << std&#58;&#58;endl;
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Post by Dremth »

I knew that I could use the char blah[]; to do a string like thing but I wanted a string array. Like string blah[];. Would I just do char blah[][];? Just do a double demension array?
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Post by hlide »

Dremth wrote:I knew that I could use the char blah[]; to do a string like thing but I wanted a string array. Like string blah[];. Would I just do char blah[][];? Just do a double demension array?
in C :

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char str1&#91;&#93; = "...";
char str3&#91;&#93; = "...";

char *strarr&#91;&#93; = &#123; str1, "blahblah", str3, ... &#125;;

printf&#40;"%s\n", strarr&#91;1&#93;&#41; // prints "blahblah"
char blah[][] is impossible.

Please bear in mind :

int arr[2][3] : 2 arrays of 3 ints
int arr[][3] : N arrays of 3 ints
int arr[2][] : 2 arrays of N ints --> SYNTAX ERROR !

Note that :

char *arr[2] means an array of 2 POINTERS on c strings
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Post by Dremth »

When I try to do this:

char item[];
item[] = "blah";

I get this error:

main.c:2: error: syntax error before ']' token

Same happen whens I do this:

char item[3];
item[] = "blah";

But I get no errors when I do this:
char item[] = "blah";
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Post by hlide »

This is normal, you don't seem to know either C or C++

please read a C language tutorial and you will know what you can do or not.

Because it is a non-sense to write : blah[] = "ABC." since it must be a declaration of new variable;

the only way to use [] in a expression is to access an element of the array, so :

char blah[] = "ABC"; // blah is a CONSTANT string being seen as an array of char.

printf("%c\n", blah[1]); ------> displays a B on screen.
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Post by Dremth »

I know C++ but not C. I just happen to not be very good with arrays.
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