Free Space on Flash0?

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Free Space on Flash0?

Post by Art »

Hi Guys,
Is there a fix to this routine, or possibly another, that will give the amount
of available space on flash0, or flash1 for that matter?
I tried the obvious replacing the "ms0:" string, and I don't know what the
hex argument in the command is for, or what to try replacing it with.

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int i;

unsigned int buf[5];
unsigned int *pbuf = buf;
sceIoDevctl("ms0:", 0x02425818, &pbuf, sizeof(pbuf), 0, 0);

for &#40;i=0; i<5; i++&#41;;
pspDebugScreenPrintf&#40;"Free &#58; %d bytes\n", buf&#91;2&#93; * buf&#91;3&#93; * buf&#91;4&#93;&#41;;  
Any help appreciated.
Cheers, Art.
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Post by adrahil »

This devctl will not work for flash as it is a memory stick command. A devctl is a raw command sent to a device, so flash will definitively not have the same kind of commands as it is not the same type of device...
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Post by Art »

well that's a bummer.
I wonder if I could find it anywhere in a raw binary dump of all the
nand filesystems...
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Post by Fanjita »

Surely you know the size of the NAND, since it is fixed.

So just subtract the size of all the files that are there?

It might not be 100% accurate, due to possible block inefficiency, and I don't know whether IdStorage counts in the NAND size specification, but it should be good enough for most purposes.
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Post by ryoko_no_usagi »

flash0 is formatted as 24MB and flash1 as 4MB, as far as I recall. Might have changed in later fws (especially 3.00 I'm guessing).
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Post by Art »

So just subtract the size of all the files that are there?
That looks to be the only option.
A little messy, and slow, but if it's the only way...
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Post by Art »

Well thanks fo rthe suggestions, I had already thought of other avenues,
but only as last resort.
I have a routine that counts the size of every file on flash0, and it accurate compared.
to a flash0 filedump size in Windows.

If I subtract the value from the 24Mb, there's a figure left that's apparently
considerably higher than the actual available space.

I suppose I need to approximate it based on the free space a 32Mb memory stick will
provide when partitioned
the same way (24Mb, 4Mb, 1Mb & 1Mb.), and with flash0 & 1 full of firmware files?????

I can't think of a better way..
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Post by kuroneko »

Art wrote:... I have a routine that counts the size of every file on flash0, and it accurate compared to a flash0 filedump size in Windows.

If I subtract the value from the 24Mb, there's a figure left that's apparently
considerably higher than the actual available space.
If a file has non-zero size you have to take the cluster size into account. Meaning, a file with the logical size of 1 byte still allocates 16K in the NAND.

Also, directories occupy at least one cluster and after that it becomes a bit uncertain. Clearly the directory size depends on the number of entries in it (and on the length of those entries -> long name mapping), however, if you create say 1000 files which extends the directory to a size of N clusters, then you delete the first 999 files again, chances are that those N clusters are kept (rather then compacting the chain down to 1).

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Post by Art »

Fortunately with the onofficial SE firmwares, people have recently had a
logical format performed by the app that writes the firmware to flash.

It is still very difficult.

Anyway, here's the routine I wrote for telling how much is used.
I started with the SDK sample that dumps a filesystem.
Any variables that aren't declared are global in my program.

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void add_file&#40;const char *read_loc, const char *write_loc, const char *name&#41; &#123;

	char readpath&#91;256&#93;;

	build_path&#40;readpath, read_loc, name, 0&#41;;

	int ffls;
	int filef_size = 0;

	ffls = sceIoOpen&#40;readpath, PSP_O_RDONLY, 0777&#41;;
	filef_size = sceIoLseek32&#40;ffls, 0, SEEK_END&#41;;

	flash_size = flash_size + filef_size;

mbflash_size = flash_size/1024;		// derive Kilobytes used
mbflash_size = mbflash_size/1024;	// derive Megabytes used
flashsi = mbflash_size;			// derive integer for counting display

	pspDebugScreenSetXY&#40;21, 28&#41;;
	printf&#40;"Flash0 Space Used&#58; %d",flashsi&#41;;
	pspDebugScreenSetXY&#40;44, 28&#41;;
	printf&#40;" Mb          "&#41;;

void add_flash&#40;const char *root, const char *write_loc&#41; &#123;

	int dfd;
	char next_root&#91;256&#93;;
	char next_write&#91;256&#93;;

	dfd = sceIoDopen&#40;root&#41;;
	if&#40;dfd > 0&#41;
		SceIoDirent dir;

		while&#40;sceIoDread&#40;dfd, &dir&#41; > 0&#41;
			if&#40;dir.d_stat.st_attr & FIO_SO_IFDIR&#41;
				if&#40;dir.d_name&#91;0&#93; != '.'&#41;
					build_path&#40;next_write, write_loc, dir.d_name, 0&#41;;
					build_path&#40;next_root, root, dir.d_name, 1&#41;;
					add_flash&#40;next_root, next_write&#41;;
				add_file&#40;root, write_loc, dir.d_name&#41;;
Cheers, Art.
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