PMP Mod v2.02 & PMP Mod AVC v1.02

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Post by Khannie »

jonny wrote:@Khannie:
(in case you have missed there is also the possibility to compile mencoder with the modified x264 support - so no need to pipe or frameserve)
I've looked back through this thread to try to gather the various methods of linux encoding together. (Apologies for cluttering this thread) I'll post them in a separate post once I have everything together.

Jonny: Could you point me to somewhere that I can find the code diff? Or download modified mencoder code? I'd be happy to patch the latest code given a diff, or I can produce a compile guide if you have a link to already modified code. Latest update: Ok, I built mencoder earlier today and realised that it needs a static library from x264, then I remembered the diff for the x264 patch on your homepage in the source directory so I'll try to combine the two later on this evening or early tomorrow and report back.

So here's what I've gathered so far:

Method 1: Named pipe with mplayer (606u's method)
mplayer (unpatched) is used with x264 (patched). A named pipe is created which mplayer frameserves to. The patched x264 binary reads its frames from the named pipe and encodes. mencoder is used to extract audio. perl script does the muxing of video and audio.


Code: Select all


rm -f $PIPE
mkfifo $PIPE || exit 1

x264 --pass 1 --stats "$FILE_TO_ENCODE".log --progress --bitrate $BITRATE -A all --level 3 --pictiming --aud --no-psnr \
    --thread-input --output "/dev/null" $PIPE &
mplayer -benchmark -nosound -quiet -really-quiet -vo yuv4mpeg:file=$PIPE -vf scale=480:272 "$FILE_TO_ENCODE"

rm -f $PIPE
mkfifo $PIPE || exit 1

x264 --pass 2 --progress --stats "$FILE_TO_ENCODE".log --bitrate $BITRATE -A all --level 3 --pictiming --aud --no-psnr --thread-input --output "$OUTPUT_FILENAME".264 $PIPE &
mplayer -benchmark -nosound -quiet -really-quiet -vo yuv4mpeg:file=$PIPE -vf scale=480:272 "$FILE_TO_ENCODE"

mencoder -quiet -really-quiet "$FILE_TO_ENCODE" -srate 44100 -oac mp3lame -lameopts vol=0:mode=0:cbr:br=128 -ovc copy -of rawaudio -o "$OUTPUT_FILENAME".mp3 -v "$OUTPUT_FILENAME".264 -a "$OUTPUT_FILENAME".mp3 -o "$OUTPUT_FILENAME".pmp
Method 2: Named pipe with ffmpeg (7oby's method)
Basically the same as the mplayer method, but using ffmpeg

example: (I have not tested this)

Code: Select all

mkfifo /tmp/pipe.yuv
ffmpeg -i video.avi -y -an -s 480x272 -r 24000/1001 /tmp/pipe.yuv
x264 --crf 24 -A all --level 3 --pictiming --aud --no-psnr --thread-input --progress --fps 12000/1001 --output video.avi.264 /tmp/pipe.yuv 480x272
Method 3: YUV output with ffmpeg (7oby's method)
Not sure here, I presume you just leave out the mkfifo bit in the previous example. This will result in a large file for certain. Probably multiple gigs. Edit: I tested this with mplayer, and it does work. The resulting file is HUGE. I had 3.6G from a 68M .avi file. I know that 7oby had some problems with the named pipe method method using ffmpeg (a small number of missing frames at the start), but the mplayer named pipe method above does not suffer this issue.

Method 4: Modified Mencoder (uNn99)
I intend giving this method a go to remove the frameserving and to hopefully remove the audio synch issues I have occasionally. Edit: I did some googling last night. Could not find the modified mencoder sources. If all else fails, I will use the diff of Jonny's x264 to try to determine what to do to the mencoder code and test that.

edit: uNn99 has a modified mencoder for windows which produces pmp avc. I've asked for the diff of changes made so I can make a linux version.

Method 5: MediaCoder
Just came across this at . Apparantly it works well under wine, though I kept getting crashes with the wine I have installed (which is admittedly about 6 months old now). MediaCoder does support transcoding to PMP AVC. Edit: If you have a recent version of wine installed and have tested this (to produce pmp avc on linux) please report back.
Last edited by Khannie on Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:52 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by mmgroup »

I don't really know if I'm sure to ask about this:

I encoded x264 file with winmenc gui,and the file plays well.
But when I try playing from irshell-nethost with wifi, files plays for about 4 second and stop with sceMpegAvcDecode fail...
I play pmp-divx file over wifi well without similar problem...

I wonder if the key is transfering speed.
I haven't tried different encoding bitrate settings,will go and test...

version 'pmpavc irshell plugin' used.

walkaround found.

It seems if I first play a file from memstick it doesn't crash anymore.
First I played a file from memstick and then the same file over wifi and it crashes after 1 min somewhere near a high-motion frame...
Then I encoded a 900k 2pass high motion high quality file(1min),played it through, and then play the first file over wifi, it doesn't crash anymore. seeking is functional too.

I haven't read the src(maybe I won't read through),but I noticed that opening the first file takes longer time than playing the 2rd file and so on...
Possibly some kind of buffer overlap of wifi and avc decode(due to the actually process of loading the first file for playing)?

(My knowledge is outdated, laugh at me please....- -)
I think may it can be fixed someway(perhaps at least there can be someway to increase the success rate of wifi playing ^ ^) in next release ...

(By wifi playing I may refer to nethostfs.... Thanks to all those make nethostfs possible and all who devoted themselves in the PSP homebrew scene....We are counting on you!) ^ ^
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Post by Khannie »

Well....I got mencoder compiled and linked with the x264 changes from Jonny's encoder (I had to make some slight modifications to get it to work with mencoder, but it should work just fine). I haven't had a chance to actually test it yet, but I'll post a guide on how to get it built (and a binary for anyone who wants it) later today. I think it's time to move this to its own thread now ... once I've tested. :)

Edit: Had some problems with outputting the file for the pmp_muxer script. It'll be tomorrow before I get my changes posted.

edit 2: Ran a small test and it worked, though there was some video corruption. I'll try to overcome this tonight.

edit 3: I fixed the video corruption issue and overcame the problem outputting the file for the pmp_muxer script. I had to patch the latest version of the x264 code because Jonny's snapshot wouldn't work with the svn version of mencoder. Anyway, it's all working now. I'm just in the testing / cleanup phase before releasing it.
Last edited by Khannie on Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by zinga »

This is one of the greatest homebrews IMO! I use it VERY often, thanks a lot.

Sorry if this is inappropriate (asked before or doesn't belong here), but I was just wondering:
1) Is it possible to implement OGG Vorbis or HE-AAC support?
2) Why is there a ~1 second delay when using certain things, like displaying the progress bar? (it's not a big thing - I don't mind it, just wondering why)
3) Is it possible to allow some of the functions to work whilst the video is paused?
4) I generally find the fastforward/rewind a bit too fast - possibly a method which allows the user to slow it down?

Anyways, I'm not complaining about anything - it's definitely the best video player IMO and I use it very often. :) Any answer would be greatly appreciated!
Anyway, keep up the great work!!!
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Post by jonny »

sry for not following the thread too much, but im really out of time in this period :(
the delay in the interface it's due to internal frame buffering/optimizations
basically when you activate the interface, frames already in the buffer doesnt contain it
for the rest of the questions, all its possible ... free time its the key
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Post by zinga »

jonny wrote:the delay in the interface it's due to internal frame buffering/optimizations
basically when you activate the interface, frames already in the buffer doesnt contain it
for the rest of the questions, all its possible ... free time its the key
I see, thanks a lot for the response! I see you've spent a lot of time on this project, and it is much appreciated :)
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Post by Neo_droL »

Please help me. I wanted to view a movie (standard 700MB version) with .srt subtitels on my psp. So, I followed the guide on johnny's site, converted it with virtualdub etc. Then, I pasted the .pmp with the .srt (that had the same name) on my VIDEO map on my PSP, but, I got an invalid file version error. I downloaded the latest version from (not-avc). I have 2.71 Se-C as firmware. Can anyone please help me?
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Post by Djakku »

be sure to use raphael's PMP subtitle mod and it should work with the subtitles. :)
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Post by Neo_droL »

Ok, I can play my PMP files now (Just version 2.01), encoding them with the newest pmp_muxer & pmp simple. But how can I play the subtitles? I tried to give them the same filename (.srt & micro-dvd format) but that didn't work. Some more helpe please? :)
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Post by Raphael »

as Djakku said, be sure to use my subtitle mod version, since jonnys official standard version cannot play subtitles. You can get the latest version here:

I suggest you download version 2.02b unless you want to be able to run it on 2.0 and higher firmwares.

If you have further problems with subtitles, contact me via PM or mail, because this thread is for the non-subtitle version :)
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Alexander Berl
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Post by Sorted »

What is the latest version of PMP MOD that has the Resume functionality
built into the player.

im using the old malloc MOD but wondered if any of the newer versions

2.0 + suppported this ?
the ones i have tried do not appear to do so
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Post by specter »

the latest ver now is PMP Mod 2.02b subtitle mod. Too bad that the malloc version of this didnt make it. Hope that rap and johnny would have some time to look onto it.
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Post by djamm »


Does Dark Alex's custom firmware (3.02 OE) play PMP MOD AVC? which version? Please tell me that there is a compatible version!




Well it seems to work fine as long as the PMP MOD AVC directories are in the GAME 150 folder under PSP...
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Post by Alcahest »

Alternatively, you can put PMPAVC in the GAME folder instead of GAME150 as long as OE-B is set to Kernel 1.50 in the OE-B config menu (Rtrigger pressed upon booting the PSP to access this menu).
I only have GAME and it does it all.

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Post by ColinZeal »

Wow! Really impressed with the new version. Ran 1.02 every evening at work and really missed some features like, clock, battery time, resume, size, length and delete. And now they all are there. Really amazing work!

Thank you!

Now, I always run the program @ 133mhz but a mod is needed. It would be a neat idea to implement that into the player. Just an idea.

Oh yeah, and I never have any problems running avc @ 133mhz with sound. Work flawlessly with my enconding config.

Keep up the good work!
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Post by madruscoe »

ColinZeal: The biggest thanks belongs to Raphael and jonny (I thanks you guys, too). I have just make some pointless (but for me useful) improvements like clock, battery (resume, length etc. already was in PMP).
I hope you dont mind if I show link to thread where I place some updates - here it is.
The source I will upload later cause some names of variables are not in English so I have to translate them.
Respect to Raphael ;-)
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Post by Raphael »

ColinZeal wrote:Wow! Really impressed with the new version. Ran 1.02 every evening at work and really missed some features like, clock, battery time, resume, size, length and delete. And now they all are there. Really amazing work!

Thank you!

Now, I always run the program @ 133mhz but a mod is needed. It would be a neat idea to implement that into the player. Just an idea.

Oh yeah, and I never have any problems running avc @ 133mhz with sound. Work flawlessly with my enconding config.

Keep up the good work!
The 1.02M version has a clock setting option inbuilt. Just press Left/Right trigger in the file selection menu to change the clock setting (default is 120mhz), but I don't recommend you set it higher unless you have insane high quality encodings that the 120mhz aren't capable of doing.

@madruscoe: Didn't know someone took up on PMP Mod until now, good work there and keep up :)
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Alexander Berl
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Post by ColinZeal »

Raphael wrote: The 1.02M version has a clock setting option inbuilt. Just press Left/Right trigger in the file selection menu to change the clock setting (default is 120mhz), but I don't recommend you set it higher unless you have insane high quality encodings that the 120mhz aren't capable of doing.
Oh, of course it´s already implemented!
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Post by Sorted »

Now that Dark Alex has cracked the 3.03 firmware so that MP4 AVCs can be run at full resolution 480x272 do we still need PMP MOD or AVC?

I have enjoyed these progs since they were first released last year but do we still need them in light of this new development or is their quality better
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Post by zinga »

Sorted wrote:Now that Dark Alex has cracked the 3.03 firmware so that MP4 AVCs can be run at full resolution 480x272 do we still need PMP MOD or AVC?

I have enjoyed these progs since they were first released last year but do we still need them in light of this new development or is their quality better
I'm still gonna use PMP-Mod AVC.
There's still some advantages:
- (main one) this homebrew runs at 120MHz, whereas XMB runs at 222MHz, so you have battery
- although this supports level 3 AVC, I think HE-AAC playback is probably better (haven't tested though)
- the player's luminance/volume boosting is still VERY useful
- I personally don't have much use for this, but PMP-Mod / PMP-Mod AVC supports multiple audio and subtitle tracks

Basically XMB player = smaller size + convenience
PMP-Mod AVC = more battery + volume/luminance boosting

Meh, you can always use both :)
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Post by Shonen »

Long time no see! Glad PMPMod still gets some tuning.

I've just tried out PMP Mod AVC 1.02M_e. The added functionality is impressive stuff, indeed. Have also heard about 3.03 OE-B, but since its bitrate seems to be pegged at 768 kbps, ànd because of a huge PMP-AVC library I've built up (55 GB and counting) I will still use PMPMod.

PMPMod AVC 1.02M_e seems to be crashing on me though: the video starts okay, but whenever I press [circle] to bring up the OSD, it freezes. I've altered the background pic of the % eboot, and adjusted the names of the folders to the __SCE__ format, don't know if that may be the cause. I run fw 1.5.

*update* Tried 1.02M_c without altering directory names or the background png, and it still crashes on [circle].
Last edited by Shonen on Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by madruscoe »

Shonen wrote:PMPMod AVC 1.02M_d seems to be crashing on me though: the video starts okay, but whenever I press [circle] to bring up the OSD, it freezes. I've altered the background pic of the % eboot, and adjusted the names of the folders to the __SCE__ format, don't know if that may be the cause.
Weird. I use the SCE format, too. Is it working with the default background pic?
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Post by syrou »


Thanks for theese great mods you are doing, they are pretty useful!

Just as a suggestion, you could add subtitle keys to the control help screen:

CROSS+LEFT TRIGGER: Switch subtitles during playback
CROSS+SQUARE: Change subtitle font
CROSS+CIRCLE: Change subtitle border color
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Post by madruscoe »

syrou wrote:Just as a suggestion, you could add subtitle keys to the control help screen:
ok. I knew something was missing :-) I have only copy and paste jonny's description and forgot the Raphaels's mods :-)
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Post by madruscoe »

Shonen wrote:Tried 1.02M_c without altering directory names or the background png, and it still crashes on [circle].
First - download the latest version (currently "_f" from and try to play without renaming.
I though it is cause of the time zone and 12/24 hour setting so I have set it different on my PSP but it still runs. Maybe try Restore Default Setting. Last idea I have is to send you eboot for 1.0 firmware (here it is . You can run it on your PSP directly using irShell. Currently I have fw 3.03 OE but with kernel 1.5 it works. Can someone confirm (not/)working OSD on 1.50?
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Post by Shonen »

Hi madruscoe,

Thanks for trying to solve the problem. Tried 1.02M_f, failed. Also failed in both 12/24h settings. Will try irShell using the 1.0 eboot.

*update* Launch of the 1.0 eboot via irShell 3.0 also fails.
Last edited by Shonen on Fri Jan 12, 2007 6:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by madruscoe »

Shonen wrote:Hi madruscoe,
Thanks for trying to solve the problem. Tried 1.02M_f, failed. Also failed in both 12/24h settings. Will try irShell using the 1.0 eboot.
Last thing. Is the time and battery status (bellow on the filelist window) working correctly? Try refresh few times them using START button.
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Post by Shonen »

Ah, thàt one thing might be the culprit. I'm running my PSP *without* battery, since it's faulty (kinda "bloated", resulting in poor connection and erratic switchoffs). Will try inserting the battery.

*update* You were right! Works now, with battery inserted. I'm trying to get my hands on a new battery (since Sony's laptop batteries melted hundreds of devices last summer, I'm not taking any chances) but have come up short. Thanks for the help, and again congrats to Raph and you for the great mod-modding ;)
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Post by madruscoe »

Shonen wrote:Ah, thàt one thing might be the culprit. I'm running my PSP *without* battery, since it's faulty (kinda "bloated", resulting in poor connection and erratic switchoffs). Will try inserting the battery.

*update* You were right! Works now, with battery inserted. I'm trying to get my hands on a new battery (since Sony's laptop batteries melted hundreds of devices last summer, I'm not taking any chances) but have come up short. Thanks for the help, and again congrats to Raph and you for the great mod-modding ;)
Now I know my mistake... I didnt check for inserted battery because I though PSP cant run without it :-) I only check charger. Have to fix that ;-)

* fixed in new release
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Post by Raphael »

Sorted wrote:Now that Dark Alex has cracked the 3.03 firmware so that MP4 AVCs can be run at full resolution 480x272 do we still need PMP MOD or AVC?

I have enjoyed these progs since they were first released last year but do we still need them in light of this new development or is their quality better
I thought the same when I heard about 3.03 OE-B. However, there are still some advantages left that zinga already summed up pretty much.
Further advantages would come from a better GUI and being able to also run avi/wmv and alikes without reencoding need.

I really hope I can soon find time again to start working on those things.
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Alexander Berl
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