SDL Library question

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SDL Library question

Post by AllSystemGo »

Can anyone tell me if there is some SDL event that we can trap. I'll explain what I would like to do exactly.

In my main loop I would like to be able to trap the events like when the joystick is moving so this way I would only paint the "mouse" pointer when they actually move the mouse.

I hope you guys understand.

BTW: I do know there is a SDL_Event but I think it's mainly used for computer programming I think.

BTW 2: I do have alot of problem with the darn SDL Library can anyone direct me toward maybe another library that I could use to show Icons, Text and be able to change to another ttf font.

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Post by danzel » ... rev=0&sc=0

And the important bit:

Code: Select all

                while ( SDL_PollEvent(&event) ) {
                        switch (event.type) {
                            case SDL_JOYAXISMOTION:
                                printf("Joystick %d axis %d value: %d\n",
You have to open the joystick first, read through the file I linked and you should pick it up.
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