I need dummy assembler source-code for PSP - something like this for x86 platform:
Code: Select all
include c:\asm\bin\inc\win.txt ;functions&constants
.model flat
num db '0123456789',0
invoke MessageBox,0,offset num,offset num,0
invoke ExitProcess,0
end _start
Please make some comments inside sourcecode.
Also i need *.bat file with instruction how to compile and link this source to an *.PBP file - something like this for x86 platform:
Code: Select all
c:\asm\bin\ml.exe /c /coff /Cp C:\asm\work\work.asm
c:\asm\bin\Link.exe /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /LIBPATH:c:\asm\bin\lib C:\asm\work\work.obj