RemoteJoy SDL + Widescreen + ATi graficsdriver = Problem

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RemoteJoy SDL + Widescreen + ATi graficsdriver = Problem

Post by Defiro »

The first time that I write an english text in an english forum. ^^

At the beginning I want to say that I'm a german PSP gamer and data process engineer in education.
At the moment I have no idea of the higher programming stuff like here in this forum...

Now to my Problem:
I wanted to play Monster Hunter Freedom 2 with RemoteJoy on my new great widescreen.
Because I have 3.90 M33 with 1.50v2 kernel patch the normal RemoteJoy with GUI 1.51 does not work because it is for 3.40OE.
So I followed this toturial:
and it works nearly perfect...

I am using:
Windows XP 32bit
BenQ® G900WA 19" Monitor @ 1440*900 60Hz (16:10 screen or 8:5 screen)
ATI Catalyst™ 8.2 drivers for Microsoft Windows®
ATi x600pro 256MB AIW (all in wonder)
RemoteJoy SDL 2007.05.13 .r2204 by TyRaNiD
remotejoy and screenshoot for M33 with .prx by Weltall

the windowed mode works perfect
the Fullscreen mode of RemoteJoy by using
Start-USBHostFS_PC.bat and
brings Blacksceen and a message made by the Monitor
"Out of Range!"
but my screen support 640*480 with 60Hz by using acspect mode
I know this RemoteJoy is made for 4:3 monitors...

I have tried:
- other and older Gfx Drivers -> "Out of Range!"
- without Gfx Driver -> so i have no widescreen support and this works best ! but i have the PSPscreen two times D:
- dual screen with my mom's monitor (5:4) cloned mode -> 5:4 works but the steamed PSPscreen is vertical compressed because the Fullscreen is made for 4:3 and my widescreen schows "Out of Range!"
- 5:4 display stand alone -> works but vertical compressed
- tested under saved modus of windows -> garbage

is it possible to write an new Start-RemoteJoy-FS.bat for 800*600 60Hz 32bit ?
640*480 is not all to often supported by todays WindowsXP & LCDscreens

Some images/links: ... ortant.JPG ... driver.JPG ... 16to10.JPG ... 204to3.JPG
Last edited by Defiro on Wed Feb 20, 2008 6:08 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Post by TyRaNiD »

I personally do not care in the slightest, sorry, all the batch files and shit are nothing what so ever to do with me :)

As for the res I just let SDL choose the closest resolution, if your monitor + graphics card are too stupid to work out compatible resolutions between themselves that isn't my problem. Remotejoy was never designed for games or even pretty much anything else, it was only written to help me do a presentation.
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Post by J.F. »

Defiro - you're asking a USER question on a DEVELOPER forum. That's a no-no here. If you were asking a question related to YOU changing the program to work better, that would be different.
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Post by Defiro »

sry but I have no idea where else I can get help....
Show me a place where it is not a no-no and where they can help me
and I will go there ! Promised !
After all who made this remotejoy.exe and these .bat ?
Other persons who worked on this:
Weltall (M33 plugins)

Links: ... /catid/140 (by TyRaNiD !?!?!) ... /catid/151 (by weltall) ... /aid/92832 (by DeMoN X)
Last edited by Defiro on Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by J.F. »

Well, you could always start another thread at dcemu with your specific problem. Maybe someone else ran into that and knows what to do. I'd also try MaxConsole as well. The third stop if you haven't any luck on those would be QJ. If you can't get some help from those three, there isn't any to be had. :)

The problem with asking here is many of the things we make here are tools to help us do our real work. As such, we make them for our own systems, and if they work for us, that's fine. Some of those tools find their way into the general public, but were never really intended for them. If people can use them, all good and well. If they can't, well, it wasn't meant for them anyway.

Some things were originally done for developers, but then evolved into something for the public, and those projects are well supported. A good example of that is KeyCleaner. It started as "usbhostfix" over at It was a test app that tried to get USBHOSTFS working on PSPs after using the 2.71 downgrader. That evolved into idrestore, which in turn evolved into idreset, which was eventually turned into KeyCleaner. You got no help with the older programs, but KeyCleaner is still actively supported, with all problems addressed as they are discovered. Not every tool undergoes this evolution. Sorry.
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Post by Defiro »

@ TyRaNiD
You said: "it was only written to help me do a presentation".
do you remember WHO have written it for you ?
Furthermore you said: "that isn't my problem".
Of cause it isn't and I know that you have a good reason for talking like that because I as a user quote into a developer forum.
Sorry about that but next time you could be nicer please.
I want to let you know that I don't want to be rude by saying this.
(unfortunately it is my bad english)

Thanks for these advices. I did not noticed that qj have a forum xP.
I will go there and I have found DeMoN X ! ... 08083.html
I hope he will help me because I am sure that he have written these .bat !
but I am not sure if he have written these .exe damn...
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Post by TyRaNiD »

do you remember WHO have written it for you?
Me, I wrote it, but I didn't write the crappy glue bits around it which tends to get spread around.

And honestly it isn't my problem, I am not strictly trying to be rude but it isn't. If you have an issue with the setup of the distributions of RemoteJoy of which I took no part (other than implementing it in the first place) you need to take it up with them. Tbh I doubt they can help, most of them couldn't tie their own shoelaces let alone understand how most of the code works ;)
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Post by Defiro »

So after all who could help me with my problem ?
You wrote the .exe for PC !?! (maybe problem)
DeMoN X wrote the .bat for PC !?! (PROBLEM)
Weltall wrote the .prx !?! (really no problem)
I hope everything I said makes sence because I did not understand all of your last post sry again :P

and how you "just let SDL choose the closest resolution" of the screen ?
because it everytime choose 640*480 60Hz 32bit at mine!
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Post by TyRaNiD »

No I let SDL choose the closest resolution to the native resolution of the PSP which happens to be 640x480 on most systems, you might find an odd one with some custom res which allows you to be even closer to the PSP but it isn't very common.

I could probably tell you what to modify in the code which would allow you to fix SDL in the remotejoy executable but you would need to be able to rebuild it etc and I not planning on describing it ;)
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Post by Defiro »

Ok I have calculated the lowest native resolution of my WXGA+ screen.
It is 1440/900 which is a ratio of 8/5 or 16/10.
The PSP screen use 480/272 which is 30/7 and this is a very uncommon ratio.
I'd like to choose 1440/900 with a black border at the top and at the bottom.
One of these borders would be 1440/42.
The displayed resolution would be 1440/816 and this is the native resolution ratio of the PSP namely 30/7.

1. Would this resotultion kill the FPS ?
2. Which part of the .exe/.bat I have to change?
3. Is there a SDK or a special editor for this ?
4. Where I can read how to write the new code ?
5. Are the borders a problem?
6. Which programming language did you use ?
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Post by J.F. »

Defiro wrote:Ok I have calculated the lowest native resolution of my WXGA+ screen.
It is 1440/900 which is a ratio of 8/5 or 16/10.
16:10 is the most common widescreen format for computers. It's pretty hard to find one that's 16:9.
The PSP screen use 480/272 which is 30/7 and this is a very uncommon ratio.
I assume you meant 30:17. To be precise, It's 16:9 with an extra line at the top and bottom to make the vertical resolution divisible by 16 (because that's what the hardware decoder requires). That makes it precisely 16:9.067 (or 30:17), but everyone simply calls it 16:9. It's close enough to not worry about the difference.
I'd like to choose 1440/900 with a black border at the top and at the bottom.

1. Would this resolution kill the FPS ?
Only if you try to scale the video in software. You'd really need to make it a texture and render with the 3D hardware to stretch it in real-time, or make it a video surface with the associated scaling in hardware, or use a blit that's supported by hardware. I believe SDL has hardware blit capability. You'd need to look into that. That or hardware surfaces (I think that's what SDL calls them).
2. Which part of the .exe/.bat I have to change?
3. Is there a SDK or a special editor for this ?
4. Where I can read how to write the new code ?
These are all the same thing - understanding the code, modifying it, and recompiling. If you don't understand it now, you probably need some more classes in programming first. Once you understand the programming aspect, there are lots of threads here on setting up and using the SDK and toolchain.
5. Are the borders a problem?
No. It's only a matter of offsetting where you draw to. Your display is 1440x900, and expanding the PSP display to fit horizontally means the video will be 3x480 x 3x272 or 1440x816. That means that a centered display will have 42 blank lines skipped before you start the PSP display, and that will leave 42 blank lines at the bottom.
6. Which programming language did you use ?
If you can't tell from looking at the source what the project is written in, you need more programming classes. :)
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Post by Defiro »

Last edited by Defiro on Thu Feb 21, 2008 7:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Defiro »

Thanks for saying that the PSPscreen is nearly 16/9 because I didn't noticed that !

I am not totaly new to programming I already learned HTML, a bit C++ and atm I am learning C# and assambler.
I only want to know in which programming language this remotejoy.exe is written because I want to decompile it.
I don't want to decompile it to assembler and you know why ;)
I hoped there would be a SDK with decompiler for this .exe .
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Post by weltall »

it's an opensource project >_> precisely with the accademic license >_>
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Post by Tinnus »

There's no such thing as "decompiling" per se, actually. The most you can do is disassemble a program that's in machine code to Assembly (not "Assembler") because that's a 1:1 correspondence.

Also, knowing what language a program was written in doesn't make it any easier to "decompile".
Let's see what the PSP reserves... well, I'd say anything is better than Palm OS.
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Post by SilverSpring »

Tinnus wrote:There's no such thing as "decompiling" per se, actually. The most you can do is disassemble a program that's in machine code to Assembly (not "Assembler") because that's a 1:1 correspondence.

Also, knowing what language a program was written in doesn't make it any easier to "decompile".
Sure there is, there are decompilers out there that you can use. But the result from most of them are usually pretty poor.

There are exceptions though, HexRays (for x86) does a (surprisingly) good job.

But no matter how good the decompiler is, nothing can compare to doing it by hand.
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Post by Defiro »

So I have to write the whole remotejoy new ?
Or is there any other way to get the "Code/Syntax" of it ?
Or have I already found it ? ... /catid/151
but for IR shell ?
I just wanted to change something in remotejoy.exe ...
I asked to my computer science teacher and he said there would be no problem to teach it to me.
He said that it is probably written in C++ because it runs under Windows.
PS: "Assambler" is only the german word for Assembly i did not know that there is an english word for it :P
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Post by jimparis »

The source code is in the pspdev SVN repository under psplink/tools/remotejoy.
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Post by Defiro »

WoW THX !!!
Now I need some more lessons with my teacher in C++ ^^
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Post by moonlight »

jimparis wrote:The source code is in the pspdev SVN repository under psplink/tools/remotejoy.
A bit offtopic, but do yo have any idea of when the svn http browser will be restored? It has been like more than a week that it doesn't work.
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Post by jimparis »

I don't.
There are HTTP mirrors of the SVN repositories at
which can be used for at least very basic browsing.
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