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Post by mazxim »

hello there!

I was just surfing around looking for some news about..the longest and trivial matter (on amiga-fan side ;)) ever: porting AmigaOS4 on mac-powerpc (mac mini, power macintosh G3/4..etc). I think it's not pointless, but anyway that inspired me such a lazy and insane thought - anyone have tried, dipped in the darkness of his garage.. to port AROS on PS2?

Then I looked on this forum and I saw an old post from J.F of some years ago about this possibility. Any news?

Thanks for the attention, bye!
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Post by Chewi »

Haha. We have enough trouble trying to run Linux on the bloody thing, nevermind AROS! I did try it on my PC once. I'm surprised it gets as much attention as it does. I'm personally more excited about OS4. Let's hope something good comes of that lawsuit.
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Post by J.F. »

AROS itself would be really great on the PS2, the main problem is with the build system. Among other requirements is Boost. Just look at the requirements for building AROS on linux to get an idea of what you'd need to make work with the PS2 tools.
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