POLL: Which are the main troubles that nd users have found ?

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POLL: Which are the main troubles that nd users have found ?

Post by pegasus2000 »

I do this answer in order to improve Nanodesktop SDK before the
next release.

I've observed that the users prefer to use PSPSDK instead of
Nanodesktop. This despite that nd is a discrete SDK.

I realize that this SDK has some troubles. If you do some suggestions
to me, I can understand what is wrong with nd and perhaps I can
improve it.

Thanks for your opinions.
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next gen mobile operating systems

Post by edepot »

Here is my take on mobile operating systems:


Think you can make nd do some of those?
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Joined: Sun Feb 22, 2004 11:41 am

Post by J.F. »

My main issue is it can't be used from linux. I avoid Windows as much as possible, especially for development. Until it works in Fedora or Ubuntu, I really, have little interest in it.

That's the main reason the nd download is so HUGE - it has to come with a devkit for Windows. If you cleaned up the Windows only junk (path names, case), you could use the regular compiler from the pspsdk.
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