porting from sceGu openGL: help drawing Vertex arrays.

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porting from sceGu openGL: help drawing Vertex arrays.

Post by snowsquirrel »

Trying to port my GU and GUM code to open GL. Most of the calls seem to map pretty well, but have a bit of trouble with my code for rendering a model.

I had this:

Code: Select all

	sceGumMatrixMode( GU_MODEL );
	sceGumTranslate( &pos );

	//set texture environment
	sceGuTexMode( GU_PSM_8888, 0, 0, 0 );
	sceGuTexFilter( GU_LINEAR, GU_LINEAR );
	sceGuTexScale( 1.0f, 1.0f );
	sceGuTexOffset( 0.0f, 0.0f );

	for&#40; int i=0; i < _numParts; i++ &#41;
		sceGuTexImage&#40; 0, 
			&#40;void*&#41;_parts&#91;i&#93;.texture->data &#41;;
		sceGumDrawArray&#40; _renderMode, _renderFlags, _parts&#91;i&#93;.numVerts, 0, _parts&#91;i&#93;.vertex &#41;;
My port currently looks like this:

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	glMatrixMode&#40; GL_MODELVIEW &#41;;
	glTranslatef&#40; v3_expand&#40;pos&#41; &#41;;

	glTexParameteri&#40; GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR &#41;;
	glTexParameteri&#40; GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR &#41;;

	//sceGuTexScale&#40; 1.0f, 1.0f &#41;; // opengl version?
	//sceGuTexOffset&#40; 0.0f, 0.0f &#41;; // opengl version?
	glTexCoord&#40; 0.0f, 0.0f &#41;;

	for&#40; int i=0; i < _numParts; i++ &#41;
		//gen texture and bind them?
				4, // num color components?
				&#40;void*&#41;_parts&#91;i&#93;.texture->data &#41;;

		glVertexPointer&#40; 3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof&#40;Vertex&#41; - sizeof&#40;Vector3d&#41;, &&#40;_parts&#91;i&#93;.vertex&#91;0&#93;.coord&#41; &#41;;
		glTexCoordPoint&#40; 2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof&#40;Vertex&#41; - sizeof&#40;float&#41;*2, &&#40;_parts&#91;i&#93;.vertex&#91;0&#93;.u&#41; &#41;;
		glNormalPointer&#40; GL_FLOAT, sizeof&#40;Vertex&#41; - sizeof&#40;Vector3d&#41;, &&#40;_parts&#91;i&#93;.vertex&#91;0&#93;.normal&#41; &#41;;
		glColorPointer&#40; 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof&#40;Vertex&#41; - 4, &&#40;_parts&#91;i&#93;.vertex&#91;0&#93;.color&#41; &#41;;
		glDrawArrays&#40; GL_TRIANGLES, 0, _parts&#91;i&#93;.numVerts &#41;;
Do I have to do a glTexGen, and glTexBind to make the glTexImage2d work?
How does that drawing look?

In the middle of porting so code is not building at this momemnt.

Thanks for the help.

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Post by bootdisk »

I don't know if this might be useful, but maybe looking at some psp emulators will help your porting the code.

And maybe using GLIntercept (http://www.opengl.org/sdk/tools/GLIntercept/) would let you know what your code is doing.

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Post by snowsquirrel »

I would hope I don't have to go that deep. I am assuming this is pretty standard stuff I am doing, and that anyone who knows opengl would know the answer too. What is a decent PSP emulator?
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Post by quadrizo »

you'd look at this tutorial : http://nehe.gamedev.net/data/lessons/le ... ?lesson=06
but in general you init a texture with :

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glGenTextures&#40;1, &texture&#41;;
glBindTexture&#40;GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture&#41;;
and use it with :

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glBindTexture&#40;GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture&#41;;
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Post by snowsquirrel »

Thanks, for the reply.

Does binding the texture move it into vram? i.e, can I free the texture data from user memory after I am done gen/binding it? If so, is there a way to do the same with Ge?

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Post by fungos »

About OpenGL, yes, binding a texture copy it to vga ram and you can safely free your resource (if you will not need load it again later).

About gu/gum I don't know, sorry.
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Post by snowsquirrel »

Anyone know when the opengl equivilant of sceGuOffset(x,y)?
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Post by Insert_witty_name »

There's no need for the call in opengl.

In my emulator I have it stubbed in as:

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void sceGuOffset&#40;unsigned int x, unsigned int y&#41;
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Post by snowsquirrel »

Is your emulator complete? Available for download? That might save me porting to OpenGL.
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Post by Insert_witty_name »

It's purely an emulator for my PSP engine snowsquirrel.

All I do is provide opengl function counterparts for the sceGu* and other function calls.

It's not complete at this time.

I would advise taking this route instead of writing specific opengl and GU counterparts for each of your functions.

That way if you create a new drawing function, it would be supported by both build environments from the start.

I will gladly share my work with you if you want to see it, just drop me a PM as I think it's falling away from the scope of this forum.
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