How to convert int to string?

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How to convert int to string?

Post by Crux »

I've seen several examples of this, but none that work with the PSP development environment (includes are not there). Does anyone know a sure fire way of doing this? Thanks, for ANY help you can give me.
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Post by Insert_witty_name »

This isn't really PSP related.

I'm unsure what you mean by converting an int to a string...

Do you mean like so?

Code: Select all

sprintf(char_array, "%d", someint);
Or do you mean so that '1' shows as 'one', '2' as 'two' etc?

The noob bashers are gonna come get you, btw :p
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Post by Crux »

Lol thats fine I can hear them coming. But like I believe you've said to many before, we all start somewhere. I do try to contribute back to the forum, but my expertise is VERY limited, but I hope to one day offer as much back as many as you do.

With that said I'll go attempt the code thank-you!
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Post by daaa57150 »

I wrote one that can convert any number type to a string:

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#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template<class T> inline string toString&#40;T number&#41;
	ostringstream ost;
	ost << number;
	return ost.str&#40;&#41;;
I think this will need you to have -lstdc++ added to the libs in your makefile.
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Post by whistler »

google itoa (integer to ascii)

edit nvm i've grepped the headers and it looks like this function may not be supported
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Post by TyRaNiD »

Of course itoa is not remotely standard so you would expect to find it.

Still nothing comes quite close to this fucktard where he claims sprintf cannot print anything but base 10 numbers and proceeds to present increasingly stupid ways of doing what you just use sprintf for.

Truly unbelievable.
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