(Alternate) PSP Allegro port

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(Alternate) PSP Allegro port

Post by TehSausage »

Update 2: I've created a website for it at http://tehsausage.com/allegro-psp/ - Any progress updates should be available there.

I started this one day before diedel posted his topic, but I'm not giving up now.

The graphics driver is pretty stable (except 8 bit color) but no keyboard, mouse, joystick or timer driver has been written yet.
My goal is to support as many allegro based games as possible without modification.

A lot of examples (even ex3d =) all run fine after some minor changes (like using 32 bit color instead of 8, removing dependence on timers and keyboards)

My estimated progress on each of the drivers can be found at http://tehsausage.com/allegro-psp/status
(the percentages of some are pretty inaccurate, some methods are more important than others)

I'd love to post some screenshots, but no program seems to be able to take one. :P
(but here's a really bad picture I took with my camera of the first bitmap blitted successfully through allegro)

Update: A mostly functional IR keyboard driver has been completed, and I've managed to create a simple demo from one of the examples (resolution increased).
exstars.zip (217KB) - Extract to /PSP/GAME150
NOTE: The demo can only be played with an IR keyboard, no joypad support
Last edited by TehSausage on Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:27 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Insert_witty_name »

It's prototype in in psppower.h

Ensure you link -lpsppower too.
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Post by TehSausage »

Insert_witty_name wrote:It's prototype in in psppower.h

Ensure you link -lpsppower too.
I figured that, the pspirkeyb includes psppower.h, but even when I link with libpsppower scePowerTick() is still undefined. :(
For now I've just implemented it as an empty function, it will definately become an issue though.

Edit: It seems to have solved itself now :x
Edit2: The problem seems to be the order in which the librarys are on the command line, odd.
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Post by diedel »

Hi TehSausage,
welcome to the Allegro world :)

I have the same goal: to build the most Allegro applications with no changes or minimal.

About the screenshots I use the psplinkusb "scrshot" command to get it, say:
$pspsh> scrshot <myimagefile>
Edit2: The problem seems to be the order in which the librarys are on the command line, odd.
Yes, I think the order it's important. For instance, if libA uses functions from libB the parameter order is -lA ... -lB.

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