Eyetoy/Camera addition.

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Eyetoy/Camera addition.

Post by Oobles »

(previously posted to ps2cvs mailing list)

I've just manually gone into CVS and moved around the location of the ps2cam stuff by lion. The new locations are:




Please ensure you update your sources to grab the source from the new locations.

Lion, you need to ensure that you do not commit binary files such as .o etc which are generated during building. You also need to ensure that your makefile is inline with the rest of the ps2sdk tree. Currently this is not the case. Please fix that or ask someone else to help fix it.

Lion has also included a ps2sdk/ee/rpc/camera/test0 directory which includes a sample that relys on libjpg. This should be renamed samples and organised to be copied into the release destination. Do we consider it a problem that a sample requires an external library from ps2sdk? If so, where do libraries such as this get placed?

Otherwise, nice work Lion. It is nice to have a camera driver in ps2sdk.

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Post by ooPo »

Just make sure it doesn't crash the entire build if the user doesn't have a required external lib. Have it skip over it nicely...

It would be nice if we could stick to libraries available in ps2sdk-ports, too. :)
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Post by J.F. »

I just did an update of the ps2sdk and the new stuff isn't showing. I'll try again later tonight.

EDIT: Okay... no problems now. Checks out okay.
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Post by cory1492 »

it seems there are still a couple of errors for some files in the cvs (not compile related - cvs related, Id go in and figure out how to fix it but I have no need for cvs access) Pretty minor, but still here it is:
In X:\DevFiles\PS2 CVS\ps2dev.org cvs\ps2sdk: "C:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "-q" "update" "-d" "."

P ee/Makefile
U ee/rpc/camera/test0/test.h
cvs server: cannot open directory /home/ps2cvs/ps2sdk/ee/rpc/ps2cam: No such file or directory
cvs server: skipping directory ee/rpc/ps2cam

P iop/dev9/dev9/src/ps2dev9.c
P iop/hdd/pfs/src/super.c
cvs server: cannot open directory /home/ps2cvs/ps2sdk/iop/ps2cam: No such file or directory
cvs server: skipping directory iop/ps2cam

P iop/sound/ahx/src/ahx_irx.c
P iop/usb/usbd/src/usbd.c

Success, CVS operation completed
It completes fine but I thought youd like to get that stuff from relocate out of there so its not always looking for nonexistant dirs...
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Post by pixel »

You need to fully recheckout, or manually edit your CVS/Entries files: Oobles manually renamed these directories.
pixel: A mischievous magical spirit associated with screen displays. The computer industry has frequently borrowed from mythology. Witness the sprites in computer graphics, the demons in artificial intelligence and the trolls in the marketing department.
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