I tried to use the stdlib function at exit so that it would save settings when yes on the homescreen is pressed and i couldnt get it to work i even added exit(EXIT_SUCCESS) in to the exit callback then it just crashes how can i get this to work so far my program calls osl_quit = 1; and sceKernelExitGame() in the exit_callback but if i try to call the function directly the psp crashes if i call exit() it crashes so what am i to do and if i have it save in the main after osl_quit = 1 then it doesnt even get called cause it doesnt reach it
coolkehon wrote:i got it to work my main has to return 0 for it to work
Ah... a lot of people think that because the PSP has its own exit function, they don't need to return something from main()... I do it anyway to suppress the warning, but I guess it really is needed. :)