Okay, here's the archive with pspdev. It's the very latest, just built over the last day. It's got everything except for gdb (wouldn't build), insight (wouldn't build because gdb didn't build), and psplinkusb (also wouldn't build). It's got all the standard libraries. It also has the full M33 SDK at pspdev/SDK. I tested it by building Basilisk II, so I know the toolchain and libs work... on 10.3.9. I would assume 10.5 is backwards compatible. Guess you'll find out. :D
You still need to install X11, Xcode, the X11SDK, and MacPorts. To build some projects, you may need to install (via MacPorts) some packages like pkg_config and autogen. You don't need ALL the dependencies needed to build the toolchain because I've already built it. You just need whatever the minimum is to RUN it. Don't forget the environment variables.
The link for MacPorts
The sdk
MD5: 3020D7C040D8BC3F926C9FE438A5835A
For PPC Mac OSX!! It's about 62 MB.
Assuming you decompress the archive to a directory like "/Users/your_user_name/Tools/pspdev", then the exports would be:
Code: Select all
export PSPDEV="/Users/your_user_name/Tools/pspdev"
export PSPSDK="$PSPDEV/psp/sdk"
export PSPPATH="$PSPDEV/bin:$PSPDEV/psp/bin:$PSPSDK/bin"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PSPDEV/psp/lib/pkgconfig"
You can add those to the bash config file with:
Code: Select all
vim .bash_profile
Code: Select all