Toolchain using macports on Lepoard 10.5.7 - Help

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Toolchain using macports on Lepoard 10.5.7 - Help

Post by _Zack_ »

Hey guys.

So I finally coughed up enough cash to get a macbook. It's fantastic. I won't bother explaining why as anyone who owns a mac knows why already.

So I got the loan of a mac mini prior to getting the macbook, and attempted to install the latest psp toolchain on Leopard 10.5.7 using macports...

I didn't succeed and the error messages that it threw out didn't make much sense to the mac users who had it set up either. Most of them (afaik) had it set up on a older version of leopard or before the toolchain was updated to it's current version.

Of course trying it again on the macbook yielded the same result.

So, I am willing to try anything you guys may suggest. I am not limiting myself to macports or nothing. If there is another way that is more assured to work, I am more than willing to give it a go.

I tried this guide but to no avail.

Please don't take this subject as just helping me and me only. This information I am sure is sought after by quite a few people, who are maybe a little afraid to ask.

I have been programming in C for the last year and a half, and have successfully installed the psp toolchain on windows via cygwin and on linux. So I am not new to the process involved so no need to dumb stuff down for me :)

As a reward for your help, if we manage to get a working solution to this problem (without using pre-compiled SDK's preferably) I will write a in-depth guide on how to install the toolchain on os x (using whatever method we get working) so that anyone else who wants to get the toolchain working on the os x can just be pointed to the guide.

So, thanks again!
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Post by J.F. »

So... what errors DID you get? I don't know about the others, but my mind reading skills are kinda rusty lately. ;)
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Post by _Zack_ »

J.F. wrote:So... what errors DID you get? I don't know about the others, but my mind reading skills are kinda rusty lately. ;)
Haha, I knew I forgot to include something. I will edit this post with the errors.

Edit : Ok I managed to get it to install this time :)

I will start writing the guide and post it when it is done.

Edit 2 : Here is the guide :
Installing the PSP Toolchain + libraries on OS X Leopard V10.5.7 Using Macports.

Hello there. If like me you just got a mac, or you just want to install the PSP Toolchain without pulling your hair out, this guide is for you.
Please note, this is just the way I got it to work, there is probably better ways to install it with less workarounds, I am not sure. It does work though and that’s the main objective here right?

So here we go :

Installing MacPorts :

1) Download MacPorts from here : ... rts-1.7.1/

2) Double-click the .dmg and follow the onscreen instructions.

3) Open up a terminal window and paste this command :
sudo port install autogen autoconf automake nano libtool libsdl patchutils subversion wget gmake

4) Now there are several ways to do this step, this is the one I chose. If you don’t like it feel free to do it another way :
Open up a terminal window and paste this :
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder

5) Go to Disk/opt/local and select all (cmd + A) and copy (cmd + c)

6) Now to go Disk/usr/local and paste (cmd + V).
Why do this? Well if you don’t it can’t seem to find mpfr or gmp. Also this saves having extra exports in your bash_profile and keeps your set up more universal i guess.

7) Open up a terminal window and paste this :
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
killall Finder

8) Open up a terminal window and paste this :
sudo nano .bash_profile

9) In this window paste :
export PSPDEV=/usr/local/pspdev
export PATH=$PATH:$PSPDEV/bin

10) Press Ctrl + X, then Y then enter. (that saves the changes and closes the editor)

Installing The Toolchain :

1) Open up a terminal window and paste this :
svn co svn://

2) In the same terminal window type/paste this :
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/pspdev
sudo chmod a+rxw /usr/local/pspdev
sudo chown username /usr/local/pspdev

(with username being your username)

Then Paste this :


Installing The Libraries :

1) When it finishes (might fail to compile psplink but we can do that later) type/paste this into a new terminal window :
svn co svn://

2) Once it has downloaded go to Home/psplibraries/depends.

3) Open up using textedit (or whatever you like) and delete everything in the file. (it seems to always fail to recognise that libtool is installed and cannot find it. A terminal probe proves it is installed so skipping this check does no harm (especially seen as it can’t find it)

4) Open up a terminal window and type/paste this :
cd psplibraries

5) Once finished you should have a fully working PSP Toolchain with all the libraries you should ever need.

Author : Zack.
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Post by arnie »

Hey there,

Go here

The link for the big package is on the page 2 or 3.

Download that first and then follow up on the guide.

Sorry if the guide is a little outdated but I'm sure it works because that's what I am using.

I'll update the guide when I have lots of time.

Enjoy ;)

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