PSPWiki launched, Dev section just for you

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PSPWiki launched, Dev section just for you

Post by Nafai »

A good 40% of this forum is over my head. Heck, ok, 90%. But I have a strong desire to help, but realize that I can't contribute squat in the engineering department. But I can try to use my time and resources to be a repository for development advancements.

By no means do I intend for the PSPWiki to usurp and become the discussion spot for PSP Dev--that blatantly resides here. However, as information becomes solid about this or that, feel free to contribute to (or even create) the appropriate section of the Developer's Resource part of the Wiki.

It's not ever meant for the general population to understand; I wouldn't expect anything to be dumbed down. When I was creating the Wiki, I remembered how much devs appreciated when a Wiki was made for World of Warcraft Interface Customization, breaking down the API to its very core.

Enough rambling. Enjoy and use it if you like, ignore it if you don't. Keep up the hard work; many of us have the desire but not the ability, and we rely on your efforts. Hopefully what I've done will contribute to the cause, and in my small way will try to make the Wiki a valuable resource for all of you guys.

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Post by senas8 »

Thanks....nice job. I could make use of this info.
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Post by AeroLeviathan »

Ah, isn't this just the luck.

It just so happens that I started a PlayStation Wiki, apparently on the same day as you. This was due to my understanding that no such wiki already existed.

I have no desire to be in competition with you, I'm doing this just for the fun of it. Would you be interested in merging in some way? Only caveat is that mine covers 'all PlayStation consoles', namely PS2, so perhaps you'd be interested in expanding?

Please let me know.
~ Aero
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Post by Nafai »

d'oh! I looked around myself as well, and found which hadn't been used in a month, and found a reference to that owner trying to hire someone to set it up for him. Looked like it definitely wasn't going anywhere, and MediaWiki is far superior to Tiki anyway.

As for expanding PSPWiki to include other Sony consoles, I'd have to say that I'm not interested in doing that. I fear that an expansion in scope would only hurt the quality and detail of the articles and use of each focused area. From my experience, only Wikipedia can cover a variety of topics and retain importance. Community driven ones seem to only thrive when they are as focused as possible, drawing from niche audiences.

Sorry :(
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Post by Kazeuri »

I'll contribute some stuff when I can, already added a bit.

Nice project.
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Post by AeroLeviathan »

I see. I would like to respectfully disagree with the niche community assessment, as I think the two consoles can work nicely hand-in-hand, and I think many of the same people are interested in both... being a prime example of that. And in case you're worried, I'm truly not interested in asserting control or anything like that; wikis are about working together, after all. Having two wikis with redundant information isn't helping the community any... In closing, I would hope you'd reconsider... but if not, I won't try to convince you any further.
~ Aero
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Joined: Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:10 pm

Post by Nafai »

My personal opinion is that the PS2 is a little late in its life, and information is well organized and easily found, to warrant devoting a wiki to it. My PSPWiki is made with PSP owners in mind, many who are more fans of gadgets and/or handheld gaming than videogames in general, much less, specific consoles.

If I opened it up to to the PS2, I'd feel obligated to also cover the XBOX, GameCube, GameBoy DS, etc. It's not a "Sony" wiki, and there is no direct tie between the two products other than sharing a manufacturer. Neither system is enhanced by ownership or connectivity between the two.

I would agree that multiple wikis with redundant information doesn't help the community; and I'm saying this without any disparagement, but from an organizational and encyclopedic view, PSPWiki seems to already have more content and a more sound framework. I have no interest in forum-spamming, badmouthing, or trying in general to garner popularity over anyone else's endeavor. I would be encouraged to see your sysops turn their PSP attention to PSPWiki, but if you/they do not, I wish you the best.

Kazeuri: I noticed. King of the internet eh? ;)

Admins: I apologize, and recognize that this thread is now way off topic. Please lock this thread, and anyone wishing to discuss the Wiki further I encourage you to send me a PM.
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Post by blackdroid »

Kung VU