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Post by boman666 »

Thanks, I've sent it now and it doesn't seem to bounce, so I'll probably got your address right.
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Post by Drakonite »

Yup, got the email. I may not get it in cvs tonight, but I'll make sure it gets cvs'd by tomorrow afternoon at the latest.

Anyone care to give final thoughts as to where it should be put in cvs?
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Post by mrbrown »

Well they are based off of the ps2ip and ps2eth projects - why wouldn't they go there?
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Post by adresd »

Good work boman, speed increases certainly sound very good, and moving to latest lwip is bound to bring some benefits.

Thanks for your work on this, and look forward to trying it out.
Also regarding your earlier comment, you will find most of the ps2dev crowd very friendly and very open to contributions/help etc.

to Drakonite: ps2ip and ps2eth would be the obvious place to put it.
and as mrbrown says, it cannot sadly go in ps2drv due to the GPL bits.

Without HDD should be slightly faster, as the HDD isnt the quickest thing to write to.
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Post by Oobles »

Changes from boman666 have been committed as branches on lwip and ps2ip. To get them, grab the latest from the branch LWIP_071. The smap driver has been committed to a new directory in ps2eth/ps2smap2.

From what I've looked at the changes they are a big change from the old ps2ip. We need to get some confirmation that everything I've committed is working and that this is all on the right track. When a few people are happy with the branch, I can merge the branch back to main and release with a tag PS2IP_071.

You will also notice that in the branch the AFL license has been added, and the README has also been updated to reflect the license change.

Once again.. nice work boman666.

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Post by boman666 »

You're welcome guys. I hope not too many bugs have slipped through, time will tell.
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ps2ip and ps2eth/ps2smap2 fail to build

Post by Barbarian »

I got lwip, ps2ip from LWIP_071 branch and also ps2smap2 but they fail to build. It seems some paths or header files are missing, probably just an updated Makefile will take care of the problem. Anyone have a solution to this already? I don't want to spend time chasing header files if the problem is already solved.
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Post by Oobles »

I have put together a new project called ps2sdk which includes ps2ip with the changes you supplied as the main branch. I suggest moving to that project for now. ps2smap2 is still in the ps2eth project as it includes GPL code. ps2sdk is currenly only AFL style license. The full decision of, if to include and where to put GPL code is still to be decided.

Let me know if you have any troubles with ps2sdk. Currently ps2sdk 'make all' target should be fine, however there is still problems with the 'make release' target which installs the release into a target directory.

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