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Post by Urb85 »

Hey guys, many people stated this as a fake including me, but after a while I found the source files for PNESP (NES Emulator for the PSP), here is the link: ...

I am not a C programmer so I couldn't state if it is fake or what?
I would be pleased if somebody could state this.

Thanks a lot
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Post by MelGibson »

still fake
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Post by Urb85 »

Thanks for let me know so soon
I have been looking into the code, it seems to call some Allegro Library.
I strongly think is a NES emulator for Linux.
Thanks anyway.

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Post by annerajb »

i am not a c++ genius but thats fake if you open the make file in notepad it says make:nes9x.exe

Code: Select all

CC      = gcc
OBJECTS = nes9x.o mapper.o M6502.o Debug.o
OBJAT = video.o svga.o keys.o misc.o
OBJ98 = dmysnd.o
SOURCE1 = nes9x.c mapper.c M6502.c Debug.c video.c svga.c keys.c misc.c dmysnd.c
SOURCE2 = nes9x.h M6502.h Codes.h Tables.h video.h vgakeybo.h palette.h sb.h makefile

ARC = pkzip -a
VER = 01
BINARC = nes9x${VER}.zip
SRCARC = nes9x${VER}

all: nes9x.exe 
nes9x.exe: ${OBJECTS} ${OBJAT}
        ${CC} -s -o nes9x ${OBJECTS} ${OBJAT}

zip: ${BINARC} ${SRCARC}

dasm:	dasm.c
	${CC} -o dasm dasm.c

M6502.o:	M6502.c M6502.h Tables.h Codes.h
Debug.o:	Debug.c M6502.h
nes9x.o: nes9x.c nes9x.h m6502.h
mapper.o: mapper.c nes9x.h
misc.o: misc.c
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Post by pixel »

Duplicate of another thread. Locked and moved to off topic.
pixel: A mischievous magical spirit associated with screen displays. The computer industry has frequently borrowed from mythology. Witness the sprites in computer graphics, the demons in artificial intelligence and the trolls in the marketing department.