Sony 2.0 firmware update

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Post by qwed88 » ... 75640.html

2.0 cracked? (almost), anyone seen this video?, the article does'nt really say what forum it was on
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Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:42 pm

Post by Polymira »

Yeah, i just saw that and don't see the news elsewhere ...

I can't find a link to the video =/
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Post by Krevnik »

Nothing much to see here really... this particular 'hole' has been around since 1.0 IIRC.
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Post by PspPet »

> I can't find a link to the video =/
I assume this is the same crap that was posted a few days ago.
Here's one link including the video:
(not endorsed by me or this BBS, included only to allow you to confirm for yourself that the rumor is false)

We don't talk about exploits here anymore. If we did, I would say this is yet another case of misinformed people claiming things that are not true, and the suckers who believe them ;->
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Post by PspPet »

(trying to get this thread back on track)

If you want to try out the new "ATRAC3"/"ATRAC3Plus" features of the PSP 2.0 firmware, you can download SonicStage 3.2 from the Japanese website: ... taller.exe

The English download is not yet up and running. I assume it will be soon.

You can copy ATRAC3 songs to an MS Pro DUO stick. You need a "Magic Gate" compatible stick reader. The PSP appears to work as a "Magic Gate" reader too (I need to do more testing on that).
The DRM features are supported (using a very different technology of the old "Magic Gate V1" sticks).
The "Sony Connect" store does not work yet (the new version is not active in the USA). So if you buy ATRAC3 songs, you shouldn't upgrade yet.
[if you have purchased songs using Sonic Stage 3.1 or earlier, after the upgrade you can copy them to MS Pro DUO sticks - but you can't buy more songs - at least not yet]
NOTE: other sticks stamped with Magic Gate will also work (like the regular sized "MSH-" sticks).

IMHO: the disadvantages of Sonic Stage and the ATRAC3 DRM still make it not worth the hassle (compared to slightly larger non-DRM MP3 files)
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