Question regarding porting PS2VICE or FRODO C64 emulator...

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Question regarding porting PS2VICE or FRODO C64 emulator...

Post by Topknot »

I have been googling and searching forums for the last couple of days regarding a working port of any C64 emulator to the PSP. So far I can find no information indicating that anyone is working on such a project..

I have a number of C64 emulator source codes that I have been browsing through, also been checking through source of recent homebrew for PSP in an attempt to better understand whats going on in there. Also got the PSP toolchain from here.

Not looking for anyone to do my dirty work for me, I'm looking forward to the challenge, mainly what I'd like to know is how ambitious a task would you say porting something like Frodo or PS2Vice would be for a relativly inexperienced coder? I did a little C++ and VB back in my uni days but nothing spectacular, however, I do tend to pick things up easy enough and i have no problems working my way through a body of text to gain the answers I need.

Can anyone give me a rough estimate of the difficulty involved in such a project? Especially given it will be my first attempt at such a task.

Ideally I have been looking for a guide of some descriptions that outlines the kinds of source changes I can expect to be making, but Google does not seem to be throwing anything of relevance up. Wasting my time, or not looking hard enough?

Any response will be greatly welcomed, and all or any information/help suplpied would be very much appreciated...

EDIT: Ok, just came across this post here, reading my way through that for starters :)

2nd EDIT: And this one

3rd times a charm :) ... blctut.htm
Topknots hunt continues.....
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