How the devil would u compile a web browser...........??

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How the devil would u compile a web browser...........??

Post by agent_stewie »

I'm working on a web browser............ I need to compile it on the psp....... how would I compile my webbrowser it has lots of c/c++ files.... and if i use psp toolchain can someone explain how to use it with out Helllo World instructions.........
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Post by pcostabel »

See this thread for compiling c++ code:

Someone should make a sticky with an example makefile since everybody is asking the same question....
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Post by LiquidIce »

A Web Browser will come in due time, but first we need to get the sceNet functions working. I started a thread, but so far nobody has been able to get to the Wifi selection screen.

Once we can launch that, and start opening socket connections, a web browser will be easy to put together using some open source software slightly modified for the psp.

The big question now is, how do we load the pspnet.prx file into memory to be able to access the sceNet and sceHttp functions listed here:
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Post by agent_stewie »

thanks man...
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