Loading external code, ala Plug-ins? (help for DJSP)

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Loading external code, ala Plug-ins? (help for DJSP)

Post by cooleyandy »

I was thinking of a few ways to allow external dev of visual plug-ins for DJSP. Basically, there's custom script processing, restricted variable modding, or external code loading.

I think the latter option would be the most flexible, while providing ease of use.

So my questions are:
1) Is there any func in PSPSDK to load an .o file?
2) How do I assign this o file and call it?
3) How do I actually compile this plug-in? (what commands and flags)

I have a lot of ideas on what kind of visual plug-ins I want to make, but it's just silly releasing a new version with every new visual I make. It would make more sense if I separate the visual packs and it has an added benefit for others to make the visuals also.

Any ideas on how this could be done?

As a side comment, would it be better to integrate Lua script support instead? Lua might be something I can use for writing plug-ins.
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