anyone working on something similar to curses?

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anyone working on something similar to curses?

Post by drpollo »


is anyone working in something similar to a curses library? I mean, I want to use some menus and dialog boxes in a program and I don't want to reinvent the wheel.

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Joined: Wed Aug 03, 2005 8:12 am

Post by dlists99 »

I think you mean a widget toolkit. I think I saw some code for microwindows or nano-x in the svn. but I dont' know if that comes with a widget set or just low level windowing functions.

I think theres a small selection of widget sets built to run on sdl. That might work as well.

I know what you mean. A good widget set can really speed up prototyping an app. But most toolkits seem to be pretty heavy *coughGtkcough*
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