sceGumArray Question

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sceGumArray Question

Post by webjeff »

I'm trying to render but I see a distorted model. I know the model is ok, and I checked the verts and indicies and they look fine. Can someone just peek at this code and see if you see anything obvious:


indBuff is unsigned short array, start is currently 0, cause theirs only 1 mesh.

vertBuff is 5 floats, 2 UV, 3 (XYZ). I checked and they are correct from the model.

count is the number of faces, so I do *3 to get the number of verticies

Now, keep in mind, I am using the same code to load verts from a file and it renders fine in directx, so I know I'm reading them fine. Just with this GU I dont see all of the model, its distorted. Any ideas?

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