I have commenced a project and at the moment i am experimenting with implementing a ASE loader for the PSP.
I am currently having trouble however using fscanf to readin a single string is causing my psp to hang and shutdown.
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int main(int argc, char* argv[])
FILE *fd_in;
int fd;
//int bytes_in = 0;
char msg[20] = "OK";
char data_in[128] = "";
if(!(fd = sceIoOpen("ms0:/PSP/GAME/3dshooter/cube.ase", PSP_O_RDONLY, 0777)))
strcpy(msg, "file IO error");
fd_in = (FILE *)fd;
fscanf(fd_in, "%s", data_in);
I have tried many things to resolve this to no avail.
Thanks in advance for help