sceKernelCanReleaseLibrary code

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sceKernelCanReleaseLibrary code

Post by johnmph »

I tried some reverse engineering with sceKernelCanReleaseLibrary function.

Here what i found :

Structures (temporary name) :

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typedef struct ModuleLibRelease		// Module Library Release
 u32 unk1;							// ?
 struct ModuleLibRelease *next;		// Next structure
 u32 unk2;							// ?
 u16 unk3;							// ?
 u16 unk4;							// sceKernelCanReleaseLibrary verification (unk4 & 0x8)
} ModuleLibRelease;

typedef struct ModuleLib			// Module Library
 struct ModuleLib *next;			// Next structure
 u32 unk1[4];
 SceLibraryEntryTable *lib;			// Library pointer
 ModuleLibRelease *release;			// ModuleLibRelease pointer
} ModuleLib;

Functions :

mfic, mtic opcode informations based on post

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u32 sceKernelSuspendInterrupts (void)
 u32 i;

		"mfic %0, $0\n"
		"mtic $0, $0\n"
		"nop\n"                               // For uncached (7 nop)
		: "=r"(i)

 return i;

void sceKernelResumeInterrupts (u32 i)
 u32 temp;

		"mtic %1, $0\n"
		"nop\n"                           // For uncached (7 nop)
		: "=r"(temp)
		: "r"(i)

u32 sceKernelCanReleaseLibrary (SceLibraryEntryTable *lib)

// Reverse engineering of sceKernelCanReleaseLibrary function
// Return 0x0 if library lib can be release else error code

 ModuleLib *modLib;
 ModuleLibRelease *release;
 u32 i;

 // Suspend interrupts
 i = sceKernelSuspendInterrupts();

 modLib = (ModuleLib *) 0x8801AF40;		// Address of first structure in 1.50 version

 // Browse array
 while (modLib)
  if (modLib->lib == lib) break;		// If library found, break

  modLib = modLib->next;			// Next structure

 // If not found, exit
 if (!(modLib))
  // Resume interrupts

  // OK
  return 0;

 // Get the "release array"
 release = modLib->release;

 // Browse the array
 while (release)
  if (!(release->unk4 & 0x8))			// Error, exit with error message and kprintf
   kprintf("sceKernelCanReleaseLibrary : %s ...",lib->libname);

   // Resume interrupts

   return 0x8002013E;

  release = release->next;			// Next structure

 // Resume interrupts

 // OK
 return 0;

If you want unload a module which normally can not be unloaded, set modLib->release to NULL (for each library in module).

After you will be able to release the module (stop and unload).
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Post by hubevolution »

this will allow module unloading without patching it even if the module has the no_stop flag set on ?
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Post by johnmph »

hubevolution wrote:this will allow module unloading without patching it even if the module has the no_stop flag set on ?
Yes you can but you must also patch the flag, this is a small function to unload a module :

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u32 modulePatchLibraryForRelease (SceLibraryEntryTable *lib)
 ModuleLib *modLib;
 u32 i;

 // Suspend interrups
 i = sceKernelSuspendInterrupts();

 modLib = (ModuleLib *) 0x8801AF40;		// Address of first structure in 1.50 version

 // Browse array
 while (modLib)
  if (modLib->lib == lib) break;		// If library found, break

  modLib = modLib->next;				// Next structure

 // If found, patch release pointer
 if (modLib) modLib->release = NULL;

 // Resume interrupts

 // OK
 return 0;

u32 modulePatchForRelease (const char *name)
 SceModule *mod;
 SceLibraryEntryTable *entryTable, *entryEnd;

 // Find module address
 mod = sceKernelFindModuleByName(name);

 // If bad module
 if ((((long) mod) & 0xFF000000) != 0x88000000) return 1;
 if &#40;&#40;mod->stub_top - mod->ent_top&#41; < 40&#41; return 1;

 // Patch attributes
 mod->attribute = 0x1006;

 // Find entry table info
 entryTable = &#40;SceLibraryEntryTable *&#41; &#40;&#40;u32 *&#41; mod->ent_top&#41;;
 entryEnd = &#40;SceLibraryEntryTable *&#41; &#40;&#40;&#40;u8 *&#41; mod->ent_top&#41; + mod->ent_size&#41;;

 // Entry loop
 while &#40;entryTable < entryEnd&#41;
  if &#40;entryTable->libname&#41;
   // Patch library for release

  // Next entry
  entryTable = &#40;SceLibraryEntryTable *&#41; &#40;&#40;&#40;u32 *&#41; entryTable&#41; + entryTable->len&#41;;

 return 0;

u32 moduleUnload &#40;const char *name&#41;
 SceModule *mod;
 SceUID modid;
 u32 ret;

 // Patch module

 // Find module address
 mod = sceKernelFindModuleByName&#40;name&#41;;

 // If not found, exit
 if &#40;!&#40;mod&#41;&#41; return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_MODULE;

 // Stop module
 modid = mod->modid;

 ret = sceKernelStopModule&#40;modid,0,NULL,NULL,NULL&#41;;
 if &#40;!&#40;ret & 0x80000000&#41;&#41; ret = sceKernelUnloadModule&#40;modid&#41;;

 return ret;

I tried with sceVaudio_driver module and it works.
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Post by hubevolution »

well great work at least a clean method to unload modules !
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Post by hubevolution »

I tried to unload sysmem.prx (sceSystemMemoryManager) but when I realod it from a simulated flash0: (mounted on the memstick) psp crashes ... I can unload and reload many other modules but sysmem.prx seems that cannot be unloaded ... even tried to do the unload/reload between disabling/reenabling interrupts but no way ... any clue ?
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Post by Fanjita »

hubevolution wrote:I tried to unload sysmem.prx (sceSystemMemoryManager) but when I realod it from a simulated flash0: (mounted on the memstick) psp crashes ... I can unload and reload many other modules but sysmem.prx seems that cannot be unloaded ... even tried to do the unload/reload between disabling/reenabling interrupts but no way ... any clue ?
PResumably that module holds some state info about the memory allocation in the system, and you'd need to find some way to save / reinject that state into the new module?
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Post by hubevolution »

that means that unloading the module will cause the previous memory allocation "tables/infos" to be lost ... and when reloading the module it will start from scratch without knowing that there was previously allocated memory corrupting it and failing access to that when requested ... that sounds realistic !
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Post by Mirko-psp »

hey hube ;)

MPH you have load the sysmem.prx on mph gameloader???
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