More Questions Concerning the Expansion Bus

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More Questions Concerning the Expansion Bus

Post by EmbSysPro »

Has anyone been able to determine what the signals are on the expansion bus?

I am thinking about getting a logic analyzer and writing some custom code to identify what the signals functions are, but if someone has already done this or already knows this information, cool!

Also has anyone been able to find an alternate source for the connectors used on this bus?


Post by Guest »

It is a PCCARD/PCMCIA bus for the most part, with some extra lines
thrown in for giggles. For example, there are 12v lines for HDD. I do
not believe 12v is a normal part of such bus specs, but I could be wrong.

I too wish I knew where to get connectors, for that and other things.
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Joined: Fri Apr 01, 2005 2:03 pm

Post by splynncryth »

Is there a pinout somwhere? And has anyone tried to ID a compatable plug fir the connection? I have some projects I'd like to look into and the expansion bus is screaming to be used.

Post by Guest »

splynncryth wrote:Is there a pinout somwhere? And has anyone tried to ID a compatable plug fir the connection? I have some projects I'd like to look into and the expansion bus is screaming to be used.
I have looked for compatible plugs in Akiharbara. Maybe next time I should take a network adaptor with me...
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