Openssl (error during installing)

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Openssl (error during installing)

Post by madruscoe »

I am trying to install some openssl libraries, doing everything according the guide but I am failing.

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OpenSSL PSP Port by Raf &#40;rafpsp<at>gmail<dot>com&#41;

First, you will need to get openssl-0.9.7j.tar.gz &#40;http&#58;// , 


user$> gunzip < openssl-0.9.7j.tar.gz | tar xv

*Then cd over to openssl-0.9.7j

To Patch&#58;

user$> patch -p1 < ../openssl-0.9.7j.patch

To configure and compile, run&#58;

user$> ./Configure psp --prefix=$&#40;psp-config --psp-prefix&#41; threads zlib no-shared no-asm


user$> make

To install, as root run&#58;

root$> make install

Port Notes&#58;
It is also worth noting that you will have to manually initialize the SSL 
random number generator by calling RAND_seed&#40;&#41; before you can use the 
This error is shown during "make".


I have installed Cygwin with all packages.
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Post by jimparis »

Your include path in the compilation is "-I/psp/sdk/include"... it should be "-I/usr/local/pspdev/psp/sdk/include" so you're probably missing something in your environment or path. Check the build scripts to see what they're putting before that.

In the future please just cut and paste errors, screenshots are hard to deal with and not searchable.
Posts: 21
Joined: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:11 am

Post by madruscoe »

thanks, i will try that... but even without this, for me, compiling links2 is a nightmare :-(

EDIT: finaly... i have changed include and lib paths and it works :-)
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